Paula Bennett’s pay off for raising millions of dollars of donations for the National Party has been realised. She’s been appointed chair of Pharmac in a brazen display of cronyism from the Government:

Former Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett has been appointed the new chair of the national drug purchasing entity Pharmac, ending speculation of her plans to run for Auckland Mayor.

Associate Health Minister David Seymour said Bennett “will lead the Pharmac board in managing the pharmaceutical schedule and driving greater efficiencies and access to medicine for New Zealanders.

“Globally, changes in medicine are making them more useful and presenting new opportunities for our health, while at the same time presenting new challenges that need to be navigated,” Seymour said.

“I’m confident that Paula has the leadership qualities that will make her the best person to make the decisions needed to ensure that Pharmac is world-leading.

NZ Herald

I can’t think of a worse person to chair Pharmac but at least it ends her bid to be the next Mayor of Auckland.

Paula Bennett is one of the nastiest people I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting in politics. Her behaviour towards a stressed MP, despite pleas to back off, were met with a chilling hardness I’ve never seen before. Just days later that MP tried to take his life.

Cronyism is normally the sort of thing the left does really well, but this is just a shameless crony appointment from the Government.

I bet Bayleys is breathing a sigh of relief, though.

I wouldn’t hire Paula Bennett to run a bath.

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