It seems day after day we are seeing news about some person who was apparently healthy being diagnosed with cancer and dying within weeks. Yesterday there was one such tragic article at Stuff.

Christchurch single mother Naomi Argyle, 45, was told she had weeks to live just days after going to the doctor with a pain in her stomach.

Argyle went for a check up after reading Stuff’s story on March 4 about another Christchurch woman, Jade Blackman, who’d gone to the doctor with a niggling stomach pain. Blackman died eight weeks after learning she had bowel cancer.

In that story, the oncologist had told Blackman’s mother the disease was “ripping through” young outwardly fit and healthy people and the doctor had 12 other similar cases on the go.

In a similar turn of events, it was “surreal and shocking” when doctors gave Argyle the devastating news that she was also dying from bowel cancer, and could have just eight weeks left.

“As they were telling me, Jade’s story was in my mind. One of my doctors said it was alarming the amount of younger people that were not finding out it was too late,” she said.

“The speed at which it happened was hard to take in. How can this be? This should not be happening in this country that we have this terrible killer disease. It’s striking down previously healthy young people, who have had nothing in their lifestyle such as drinking, smoking or bad diet to cause it. There needs to be urgency to save lives.

Despite knowing “my time on this earth will soon come to an end”, Argyle wanted to help others seeking urgent answers.

“I feel like I have to shout it from the rooftops, making noise so that if just one other person like me will go and get checked, and jump up and down if you have symptoms to get tests.”


Well, some of us have more than a sneaking suspicion about what is causing this. We’ve seen it elsewhere in the world and we shouldn’t really be surprised.

There is one thing almost guaranteed for nearly all of these cases: they will all have a Covid vaccination in common.

But no one seems to want to address the elephant in the room and yet they are demanding answers as to why so many people are all of a sudden contracting rather virulent strains of cancer.

I agree with this woman in this case…”There needs to be urgency to save lives”…and to do that, the elephant in the room needs to be addressed.

Maybe they are too frightened, in case they discover what many of us suspect.

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