Labour, along with their handmaidens in the complicit media, have launched a full-on attack against the Government over alleged conflicts of interest with ministers and the tobacco lobbyists. It’s been a rather forlorn attack, but along the way 1News has doxed the Prime Minister’s sister in law, and the rest of the media have played along, hurling all sorts of allegation without any evidence or foundation.

However it has now all blown up in their face, with Labour’s own conflict-of-interest scandal involving Peeni Henare, his partner Skye Kimura, and the former minister’s brother.

Labour are going to have to hold their own to account just like they are demanding from the Government, except…the Labour scandal actually involves relatives of the former minister enriching themselves at the expense of the taxpayer…in what looks like a clear case of dodgy declarations, shameless nepotism and playing favourites.

Thomas Cranmer, the pseudonymous alter ego of Philip Crump, has skewered Labour via OIA request and plastered the details all over X (formerly Twitter). He has been reposting his posts from last year and adding new information:

At the same time he is pointing out the significant flaws in the media and Ayesha Verrall’s attacks against Casey Costello:

And now he splashes Henare and Labour’s own problems with still more reports of concern:

Labour’s shabby and unsubstantiated attack has been destroyed in just three posts on X, but media has so far remained silent; such is their lingering corruption from the Public Interest Journalism Fund.

Cranmer saves the best for last – reposting something from July 2023 where he accurately named who was responsible for these shenanigans back then:

Labour are exposed yet again as shameless rank hypocrites.

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