The world’s media propagated a lie, a terrible lie, that Israel had attacked a hospital and killed hundreds in Gaza. It was deliberate and egregious disinformation on the part of a terrorist organisation that has killed thousands in their attacks against Israel. Yet it was a lie the world’s media spread maliciously.

The BBC reports:

Live footage from the Al-Jazeera media network aired at 18:59 local time showed a bright light rising in the skies above Gaza. It flashes twice before drastically changing direction, and it then explodes.

An explosion is then seen on the ground far away, followed by a much larger explosion closer to the camera operator, which the BBC has geolocated.

Some commentators have suggested it is from a rocket which appears to explode or disintegrate.

Other footage which surfaced on social media channels showed what appears to be the same blast from different angles and distances.


It now turns out that:

  • There is zero evidence that it was a missile from Israel but there are six different videos (including from Al Jazeera and Tass) showing a missile fired from Gaza that didn’t cross into Israel but malfunctioned and landed in the hospital carpark.
  • There is audio evidence of two Hamas operatives discussing the missile and that it came from the cemetery behind the hospital fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
  • The evidence points to the missile hitting the car park, not the hospital proper. While there is some damage to the hospital, it has in no way been destroyed. There isn’t even a significant crater which you’d expect if the IDF had dropped a bomb there.
  • There is zero evidence for the claims 500 are dead. Based on photos of the hospital, it looks very unlikely, unless 400 of them were sitting in cars in the car park.

The IDF has also released their analysis of the rocket misfire from Palestinian Islamic Jihad:

Hamas are a terrorist organisation. They have attacked Israel killing hundreds if not thousands of innocent civilians, including elderly and babies. They should never be taken seriously when making fanciful claims that are easily disproven, even by Al Jazeera’s footage.

The media have no shame as they seek to demonise a nation that was attacked in an act of war.

They should hold their heads in shame, but they won’t.

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