According to the boffins who collect this data (as in actual measurements, not model predictions), the global average lower tropospheric temperature anomaly for February, 2022 was 0.00°C above the long-term average from 1991 – 2020.

Averages in climate work are taken over a 30-year timespan to distinguish them from ‘weather’, which happens over shorter periods.

This is satellite data, so not subject to measurement contamination from poorly sited collection points subject to urban heat island effects and so on.

And the snow pack data, as the northern hemisphere rolls out of winter and into spring, shows no signs of decline due to the runaway global warming. Some 14% above the long-term average. (Northern hemisphere meteorological winter ends on 28 February.)

Never mind, James Shaw and the MSM: you keep on pumping out the lies about how dire it all is. The longer you keep up the tall tales the more wrong you become.

WH is a disinformation analyst and misinformation researcher who prefers real information. Lifetime job security is assured given the volumes of climate 'crisis' misinformation available anywhere one...