The legacy media, echoing the false attack against Donald Trump with their “bloodbath” lies have done exactly the same thing to Winston Peters with their false and deceptive reporting of his State of the Union speech.

Every single legacy media outlet ran deceptive headlines claiming that Winston Peters compared co-governance with Nazi Germany, or the Holocaust. It was all lies.

Image/ The BFD

None of it was true.

What Winston Peters actually said was this:

“It was not just ideological theory, it was race-based theory.  Where some people’s DNA made them, sadly, according to these people, and condoned by their cultural fellow travellers, their DNA made them somehow better than others. 
I’ve seen that sort of philosophy before, I saw it in Nazi Germany, we all did.  We have seen it elsewhere in the world in the horrors of history, but right here in our country tolerated by the very people whose job is to keep the system honest.”

Winston Peters

There was no mention of co-governance or the Holocaust. The media have beaten up Winston Peters for days on end over something he neither said nor even remotely argued. He was clearly talking about what happens when you pursue race-based policies predicated on the idea that one particular race is superior to others and therefore should enjoy special privileges.

But Winston Peters has a point. The Holocaust didn’t start with the gas chambers; no, it started with something far more insidious.

It started when one party controlled the media, deciding what was truth and what was propaganda.

It started when one party censored speech and silenced dissent, effectively controlling the opposition.

It started when one party divided citizens into “us” and “them,” scapegoating minorities and inciting hatred.

And it started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen.

And it didn’t just happen in Nazi Germany, it also happened in South Africa with apartheid and in many other countries that also went down this path.

It happened right here in New Zealand under the Ardern/Hipkins regime. And that is what Winston Peters is calling out.

But, just like with Trump, the media have to tell lies and put words in Winston Peters’s mouth that he never said.

And the media wonder why Winston Peters, and indeed the majority of Kiwis believe the media are corrupted liars and deserve to wither and die, buried under the weight of their lies.

Will the media apologise? Of course not, they’ll die before they ever do that.

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