It will come as no surprise to readers that I am enjoying what I do, and especially so now that I have my own radio show at Reality Check Radio. I enjoy talking about politics with people and I hope that is coming through in my interviews.

Over the weekend I attended the NZ First campaign launch. I went early so I could catch up with a whole lot of candidates, identities, politicians and, yes, media too.

What I found astonishing was most of the media expected me to be a dribbling cripple and were genuinely surprised I was actually writing articles at The BFD as well as hosting a show on Reality Check Radio.

Two of the most curmudgeonly in their attitude towards me being a journalist in their space, and who made their displeasure known, were Simon Wilson and Richard Harman. Both were astonished at my rude good health… don’t believe everything you read fellas… and the fact that I was there doing my job as a journalist. Mind you, I imagine their minds are as distressed as their appearance.

Maiki Sherman from 1News however was the polar opposite, and she saw me chatting with my lawyer Brian Henry and immediately sniffed a story. She did her job well, even though there wasn’t really a story. She was professional to a tee.

I was there to show that Reality Check Radio is a force to be reckoned with and to show we have resources. I had two cameramen with me and the appropriate sound gear. Both were awesome to work with, and it would be remiss of me not to give a shout out to them.

Media scrum waiting for Winston Peters. Photo Credit/ Cam Slater

The photo above is of the media setting up their media scrum for Winston Peters to do his media stand up. While they were doing that, Winston Peters was giving me a short interview post his speech.

After his interview with me, he went out to the media and I joined in, standing beside Richard Harman. I even managed a few questions.

I thoroughly enjoy being a journalist again. Remember I have a High Court judgment declaring me to be a journalist. I did tease Maiki Sherman about that and suggested that maybe I’ll apply to be an associate Press Gallery journalist. She begged me to wait to apply until Jason Walls was the chair, so he could deal with it. We were just enjoying a bit a banter.

Anyway, I thought I’d share with you, my loyal readers, just how much fun I am having doing my job. I hope it is showing through.

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