Spare a thought for Charlie Mitchell: he’s all agog that Winston Peters would rather speak to me than answer his questions. The poor wee petal is having conniptions.

Charlie’s article asks whether or not Winston Peters can ride the ‘freedom’ wave to the election and, thanks to the blanket coverage of Winston’s interviews on Reality Check Radio, including the one with me, that is now a distinct possibility. But somehow I don’t think that was Charlie’s intention.

That’s publicity you simply cannot buy for love nor money. Winston will be ecstatic.

The funny thing is that Charlie Mitchell lacked the stones to even say my name despite using a quote from my interview with Winston Peters.

Peters distanced himself from the comments when asked about them in his RCR interview.

“I only said one thing, and that was a day when I wasn’t doing my Facebook. Someone else did it,” he said.

“It was a simple mistake that someone made, it was not my feeling. But I can tell you exactly what it was now. And I regretted it, and I’m owning up to it.”


That was in this interview:

Thanks to Charlie Mitchell’s stellar reporting, bringing in to the mainstream media Peters’s apology regarding his tweets and Facebook posts, there are now a whole lot more freedom lovers that will be riding the Winston train into parliament with him.

Maybe Charlie Mitchell is angling for a role after the election in Winston’s office.

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