In the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle, there is much to do to repair the damage and to future-proof our vital infrastructure and prevent a similar disaster from unfolding again. There are literally billions that need to be spent, and yet this Government is preparing to send billions of dollars offshore to meet climate change commitments.

New Zealand may have to pay out billions of dollars to meet our carbon slashing target.

The Government raised New Zealand’s 2030 Paris Agreement carbon-slashing target and reaching that target would require paying other countries to slash emissions on New Zealand’s behalf.

Treasury estimates this will cost $12.8 billion by the end of the decade.

Dave Frame, Director of the NZ Climate Change Research Institute says that it would be wiser to finance mitigating the damage on our shores instead.


It will be a brave government that commits to spending $12.8 billion to other countries when that money could be put to good use helping repair and mitigate our own climate damage.

This is the utter futility of the scam associated with climate change commitments. Sending money offshore to give to other countries is criminal when there is so much to do here.

Dave Fram is 100% correct in saying it would be wiser to finance mitigating the damage here.

Then again there aren’t any wise heads in this Labour Government; there never have been.

Sadly, both Act and National would continue with this scam, sending billions offshore while borrowing even more to repair the damage here.

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