I watched this video and found myself seething with unbelievable anger. It contains plenty of evidence that will make you never trust your government ever again. It will make you never trust claims from Big Pharma. It will make you unbelievably angry that it will never been seen in our complicit media who are just as responsible as Jacinda Ardern for pushing vaccines which are now turning into an unmitigated health disaster. If this video makes you angry, then good…now do something about it!

The video features Dr Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist who was previously supportive of COVID-19 vaccines and who has been the topic of breaking news stories for demanding a global stop to the distribution of those same vaccines he once promoted.

Dr Malhotra is now promoting this video across multiple social media platforms. His stance is entirely based on the now alarming medical evidence that shows just how harmful these vaccines have been.

While health authorities repeatedly maintained that myocarditis is more common after COVID-19 infection than after vaccination, real world data does not provide support for their assertions.

A JAMA study published in August 2021 of data from 40 U.S. hospitals recorded that the incidence of myocarditis skyrocketed from the spring of 2021 when vaccines were rolled out to the younger cohorts while myocarditis incidence had remained at baseline rates from 2019 to 2020, drawing a possible association between COVID-19 vaccinations and the development of myocarditis.

Further, a Nordic study published in April 2022 showed that mRNA vaccinations were associated with increased risk of myocarditis over the background rates.

The study evaluated 23.1 million residents across four Nordic countries and found myocarditis risk was the highest in young males aged 16 to 24 years after receiving the second vaccine dose.

Compared to unvaccinated subjects, young vaccinated males had an excess of four to seven myocarditis events in 28 days per 100,000 vaccinated after the second Pfizer dose, and between 9 to 28 excesses per 100,000 vaccinated after the second Moderna dose in young males aged 16-24 years.

Although the studies seemed to point towards the mRNA vaccinations, health authorities continued to repeat the agenda that myocarditis events are higher in those with COVID-19 infections than in those who were vaccinated.

Strong evidence for rebuttal came in March 2022 from a study in Israel. These findings helped Malhotra and most doctors attribute the cause of the myocarditis to the COVID-19 vaccine, not to the COVID-19 infection.

The authors evaluated more than 196,000 unvaccinated patients who experienced a COVID-19 infection and compared them to more than 590,000 people who have not been vaccinated nor infected, composing a total of more than 787,000 people in this large scale study.

Both the groups who were infected and uninfected had a myocarditis and pericarditis rate of below 0.01 percent, though the number was actually lower for the group infected by COVID-19.

Comparing this finding to the other reports (pdf) of myocarditis emerging in vaccinated children, the results are “strongly suggesting that the increases observed in earlier studies were because of the mRNA vaccines, with or without COVID-19 infections as an additional risk in the vaccinated,” Malhotra wrote.

Although vaccine-induced myocarditis is not often fatal in young adults, MRI scans revealed that, of the ones admitted to hospital, approximately 80 percent have a certain degree of persistent myocardial heart damage, which predicts unfavorable outcomes for the future.

Epoch Times

Our Labour Government employed a similar nudge group to that mentioned in the video. They pushed fear onto the population, and people lined up, rolled up their sleeves and unwittingly injected themselves with a poison that politicians and media and public health ‘experts’ all told us was “safe and effective”. Once jabbed you cannot be unjabbed, so sadly those who were forced into vaccination, or duped, now have exposure to huge health risks from a so-called medicine that was supposed to help them.

Safe and effective was a lie. Those who pushed these poisons need to be held to account.

If doctors like Dr Assem Malhotra can swallow their professional pride and admit they were wrong then so should others.

I’ve written many, many times that the ‘I told you so’s were coming…they’re here now. You believed the lies, trusted the media, trusted the Government, trusted the politicians and trusted the public health experts. They were all lying to you.

You can’t trust them anymore.

You need to support and trust those who tell you the truth, no matter how unpalatable those truths may be.

That’s why we are fundraising to deploy more resources. Because ironically Willie Jackson is right: we have lost trust in other media.

If this video made you angry, then do something. That something should be donating to our fundraising drive below. Do it now, feel the anger, and donate generously to the ONLY media outlet that has told the truth throughout this whole appalling experiment against humanity.

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