Isn’t it curious that the ‘solutions’ to the ‘climate crisis’ all involve handing even more power and wealth over to the globalist elite? Don’t their slogans sound awfully familiar? “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

You might be tempted to think that this is all a scam to dupe us all into handing the global elite more power and more money than they already have. Because it is.

So-called “green” energy is not about saving the planet. It’s about controlling the planet.

As Corbett notes, the inevitable response to anyone calling out the Climate Scam is “Big Oil shill!”

The irony is two-fold: first, Corbett literally wrote a documentary called How Big Oil Conquered the World. Secondly, some of the most zealous proponents of “green energy” are fossil fuel companies. For the same reason they got into Big Oil in the first place.

The takeover of the world by these well-connected oiligarchs wasn’t about oil at all. It was about power.

This is precisely why the Rockefellers have divested from oil and why Saudi Arabia is trying to pivot to their robot citizens and Neom nonsense and why BP and Exxon and all the other members of the oiligarchy are setting “net zero” pledges. It’s because the green energy system of the future (and thus the global economy that relies on it) will be even more strictly controlled in the future, and those who are bringing this controlled, technocratic slave state of the future into reality are seeking to monopolize and control the resources of the earth.

I mean, OK, Corbett gets a bit foil-hatty at times, but his basic premise is sound: the opportunities for Chinese social-credit-style systems are infinitely stronger in the sort of “green energy” future we’re being sleepwalked into. Smart meters and EVs, which can be shut down or even driven remotely, linked into geolocation systems. “Smart” homes, where everything from the lights to the heating can be remotely controlled. Digital central currency systems.

Ask the Canadian truckers and their supporters how all that’s going to work out.

You will own nothing, and you will be very unhappy, eating your meal of uncooked crickets in your cold, lightless apartment, unable to even to get a drive-thru fake meat burger because your EV has been locked down.

And you won’t be able to do anything about it.

By making energy even more scarce, those with their hands on the energy spigot will have the ultimate control over society, deciding when, where and how to allocate scarce energy supplies to the public. Europeans who are wondering how they will be able to afford to heat their homes and businesses this winter are just starting to understand what this new “green” economy will really look like for those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

It is not difficult to discern the contours of the world that these energy transition advocates are driving us towards. It is a world in which all of the things we take for granted – the ability to travel freely, to buy and sell independently, to heat our own homes and even to turn on a lightbulb – will be privileges carefully rationed by our neofeudal overlords.

The Corbett Report

Doesn’t this all sound crazily alarmist and conspiratorial? Sure.
But if I’d told you, four years ago, that New Zealand would become an unapologetic two-tier society – where, in fact, the prime minister happily boasted about that fact on television… That New Zealand would become a place where you would lose your job if you didn’t submit to a medical procedure… A place where your ancestry increasingly mediates your access to basic government services… Well, you’d have called me crazily alarmist and conspiratorial, then, too.

If all this about the green energy revolution sounds crazy, it’s only because you haven’t paid any damned attention for the past three years.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...