When we talk about the grooming agenda slithering through schools, focus has lately been on the gender whisperers and the pedos (often the same thing). After all, not only are children being brainwashed from their first years in the education system with a creepy Queer Theory agenda, a distressing number of teachers are being outed as literal paedophiles. The Catholic Church frankly has nothing on the education system.

But there’s more than one way to groom a child. The education system was one of the first institutions targeted by the Marxists’ Long March through the Institutions. They’ve been successful beyond their wildest dreams. Teaching as a profession leans some 80-90+% to the left.

Some of them, very, very, very far left.

The California teacher who was exposed in a 2021 Project Veritas report for attempting to radicalize his students into Marxist “revolutionaries” is receiving three years of salary in exchange for his resignation, after the school district said he would be fired.

Isn’t it funny how communists are always the first to grab all the cash they can?

According to KCRA3, the district agreed to pay Gabriel Gipe three years of salary, or $190,000 in exchange for his resignation, a settlement between the two that was reportedly reached in January.

So, what exactly did Project Veritas catch him doing?

Last September, parents of Inderkum High School in Sacramento called on the Natomas Unified School District to fire AP Government teacher Gabriel Gipe after he was caught on video discussing his strategies to indoctrinate his students, including flying an Antifa flag in his classroom and giving out extra credit for attending left-wing “community events.”

“I have 180 days to turn them [students] into revolutionaries … Scare the f*ck out of them,” said Gipe in the undercover footage filmed by Project Veritas, which was published in late August of 2021.

Consider that one of the most frequent charges thrown at Australian alleged neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell is that he once advocated putting portraits of Hitler in every classroom. Gipe has no problem lionising some of the worst mass murderers in history.

Throughout the footage, Gipe can be seen espousing views backing the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the genocidal socio-political movement launched by former president Mao Zedong, who Gipe displayed a picture of in his classroom. Gipe also had stamps with images of Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro and Kim Jung Un to mark student’s school work this year.

“You need to retrain the way people think. So, the Cultural Revolution in the 60s was fixing the problem that came about after the economic one,” Gipe said.

It might also be worth mentioning that the Cultural Revolution claimed the lives of some 25 million Chinese. It also resulted in the destruction of some three-quarters of China’s cultural artefacts, and atrocities up to open cannibalism by some Red Guards cadres.

Surely this crazed mass murderer fan is just a freak outlier, though?

Gipe also said that he is not the only Inderkum faculty member with these beliefs, noting that three other teachers hold similar views. “There are three other teachers in my department that I did my credential program with—and they’re rad. They’re great people. They’re definitely on the same page,” Gipe stated.

The Post-Millennial

But, just as education bureaucrats too often go out of their way to protect and cover up for paedophile teachers, they do whatever they can to protect ideological groomers, too. Gipe was placed on paid leave before being given his anti-Capitalist golden handshake.

Homeschool your kids.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...