Labour reckons they know best in many areas, most notably in pandering to the whims of the lycra-wearing, road maggot brigade. They’ve decided to pour millions of dollars into a bike bridge and somehow believe the public will not only support it and them but also be willing to pay for it.

They are wrong:

A new poll suggests more than half of Kiwis are against the latest plans for Auckland’s pedestrian and cycle bridge.

The Taxpayers’ Union survey shows that 63-percent of people oppose, or strongly oppose the bridge over the Waitemata Harbour.

The data takes into account more than 990 respondents.

Taxpayers’ Union Campaign Manager Louis Houlbrooke says it shows the Government’s misjudged public opinion on the project.

“It suggests that the Government’s really misjudged this, they rushed the announcement. They probably should have taken the time to actually conduct a focus group to find out whether people really wanted 700 million dollars to be spent on a  bridge.”


I am told that, unlike most polls, the “strongly opposed” number was around 54%, meaning the “opposed” number was 9%. That is massive.

In fact those numbers are so massive that they are likely to be impacting party vote as well.

When you add in massive opposition to the ute tax as well, then you are going to start to see this shift showing up in the polls.

Labour though are dying in a ditch for this bridge that you just know will never be built. If they couldn’t build any houses then they sure as hell aren’t going to be able to build a bridge.

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