This post was written before the trial verdict was delivered. It has been updated.

If it weren’t for the overwhelming evidence that Maxine Waters is little more than a drooling idiot, I’d suspect she was deliberately trying to trigger a mistrial in Minneapolis.

As lawyers wound up their arguments in the case of Derek Chauvin, the police officer accused of murdering George Floyd, much of America was on tenterhooks. Everyone knew that the leftist kampfbund would indulge their predilection for street violence no matter what the verdict – but the fear gripping American cities was that a not-guilty or mistrial verdict would spark an all-out kristallnacht.

Watching the trial proceed, it’s hard not to suspect that that’s exactly what the Democrats wanted. Like all dictatorships, they thrive on violence and civil unrest. They leveraged months of violent riots – excuse me, “mostly peaceful protests” – as a campaign tactic, then used the Capitol riot as the trigger for turning Washington into a fortified citadel guarded by vetted troops.

If, even with the “right” verdict, the left’s bootboys explode post-trial, watch how quickly the Democrats and their media bootlickers pivot from “peaceful protests” to “dangerous riots” and call out the troops, nation-wide.

This was their show trial, remember: masterminded by Democrat heavyweight and black bigot, Keith Ellison. And, despite what the lyin’ mainstream media have been feeding their cretinous followers, the prosecution was almost farcically inept: to the point that there’s every appearance of actually trying to throw the trial.

If that has failed, they’ve apparently turned out their prize moron to try and trigger a mistrial.

No, this isn’t a Wal-Mart crazy: it’s an elected Democrat. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The judge overseeing former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin’s trial in the death of George Floyd said Monday that Rep. Maxine Waters’ comments could be grounds for appealing a verdict in the trial.

“I’ll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,” Judge Peter Cahill told defense attorney Eric Nelson on Monday.

Not that Cahill’s exactly done a bang-up job, so far. When Minneapolis descended into rioting yet again last week, Cahill refused to sequester the Chauvin jury. Instead, they were allowed to see in glorious, wide-screen technicolor what was in store for them when they delivered their verdict.

In case they had followed the plain evidence in the trial and actually acquitted Chauvin, the Democrats appeared to be keeping Plan B ready to roll.

Waters on Saturday night had called for protesters to “stay on the street” and “get more confrontational” if Chauvin is acquitted in Floyd’s killing, comments immediately seized on by Republicans who claimed that Waters was inciting violence.


This, remember, from the same party who tried to impeach Donald Trump for telling protesters to peacefully march to the Capitol.

Waters’ comments will almost certainly be strongly cited in a likely appeal.

It seems a stretch, though, to accuse Maxine Waters of personally being some kind of Macchiavelli. Much more likely that she’s just obediently following orders – or just being a natural idiot.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters on Monday that Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) has no reason to apologize for comments she made in Minnesota over the weekend that resulted in backlash from Republicans[…]

In a press conference Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki avoided outright condemnation of Waters’ comments but appeared to separate the White House from the lawmaker’s stance.


Their yapping lapdog barked on command and set the whole neighbourhood howling and snarling. Mission accomplished.

Some politicians just want to see the country burn, after all, so that they can be the kings of the ashes.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...