If your first reaction to the name Chrissie Teigen is “Who?”, you’re not alone. Teigen is a very minor celebrity – a model married to a rapper (John Legend…who?), but, like every minor celebrity, she nonetheless has plenty of Twitter followers.

And, as many Twitter-famous folk have found, Twitter celebrity is definitely a two-edged sword.

If the Wokesters don’t get you, the Pizzagaters will.

Chrissy Teigen has almost completely purged her Twitter page after conspiracy theorists linked her to the recently deceased and disgraced financier, Jeffrey Epstein.

Last week Teigan lashed out at people who believed that [she] had made several trips on Epstein’s private jet creepily dubbed “The Lolita Express.” Christine “Chrissy” Teigen has has denied having any relations with Epstein and his mistress, Ghislaine Maxwell, yet continued to block 1 million Twitter accounts, delete 60,000 tweets and make her profile private.

Which, frankly, is what I think many of us would probably do in her situation. As she says, “I am still flooded with sick psychopaths. So please, spare me the ‘just ignore them, they’re just trolls’.”

So, what did she allegedly do? Well, not much at all – but enough to fire the febrile imaginations of the nutcase legions of Pizzagaters.

Although there is currently no proof that she is in anyway connected to Jeffrey Epstein, people are still — rightfully — shocked at some of the tweets Chrissy Teigen had previously posted.

Christine “Chrissy” Teigen deleted Tweets asserts that the best pleasure she’s experience [sic] is engaging in sexual intercourse with kids 13 and younger.

Except that she did no such thing. That’s a complete fabrication.

Most of the tweets are difficult to understand fully without context, but in the case of the one in question, Teigen tweeted: @KevinShockey nah he just said the cleanest and best pleasure is to have sex with a 13 year old. up until that….hahahaah.

Note that: “he said”. She is not asserting anything about herself – that’s a complete lie – she’s clearly referring to someone else. And without seeing it in context, it’s impossible to tell what she is implying. “Up until that….” hardly suggests approval, though.

Most of the rest – and there are only a scant dozen tweets out of 60,000 which have got the Pizzagater’s foil hats buzzing – seem to be ironic observations on the TV show, Toddlers and Tiaras. Again, remarking that I just saw a baby that looked like a porn star. Like a trashy do-anything porn star. Is this wrong to think? hardly seems like a ringing endorsement of the show.

Another that has the Pizzagaters’ overheated minds working overtime is:

I am about to anthony weiner this kid.

Again, out of context, impossible to analyse properly. Anthony Weiner was the Democrat politician who was exposed for sending sexual photos to minors. For all we know, Teigen is threatening to expose someone who’s pestered her with dick pics.

But Pizzagaters’ minds don’t work like that.

Perhaps blocking 1 million accounts, deleting 60,000 tweets, and making her Twitter account private is her admission of guilt.

Or perhaps it’s just a way of trying to extricate herself from yet another unhinged online mob?

Either way, blatantly fabricating accusations isn’t making the Pizzagate mob look any less like swivel-eyed loons than they already did.

Chrissie Teigen has attracted the attention of the Pizzagate crazies. The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...