
There were no surprises in the latest Newshub/Reid Research poll. It was common knowledge that a result of this nature was on the cards at this stage. What else could we expect? New Zealand has been a one-party state for the last two months. Not just any party either, but a heroic party. A party who had the luxury of saturation exposure and the comfort of a compliant media which has allowed the party to dictate the dialogue while being led by a compassionate, kind and emotional manipulator.

I read through several news items relating to COVID-19 published in Stuff on Monday, some negative and some positive. What I discovered was very enlightening. The items which reported positively on the COVID-19 intervention, mentioned Ardern’s name thirty-six times. The negative reportage which covered the casualties of job loses, bankruptcies, economic debt and the accompanying emotion impact, not once had her name associated with the news story. Very selective editing I would suggest.

When I was young, and my parents convinced me that Santa was real, I believed them. When they told me that the presents I received were assembled by elves at the North Pole, then were brought by a sleigh, drawn by reindeer and delivered down the chimney, I believed them. When I started school my belief in Santa was challenged. I refused to accept that he wasn’t real and would rebel at the very suggestion. It was only over time that I accepted reality. The presents I received were actually chosen and paid for by my parents.

There are a lot of New Zealanders who believe in Ardern in the same way that I believed in the fictitious Santa. They challenge the truth because the fantasy makes them feel safe. They too, over the passing of time will be confronted with the truth. There is no Santa. Ardern did not protect them. The metaphorical eighty thousand dollar debt per citizen will deliver their harsh reality. Whether they will be confronted with reality before the election, (and I believe they will be), only time will tell. Right now for them however Santa is real.

These are the same people who watch reality shows in the belief that nothing is scripted. They are the victims of blind trust and as a result, will be awakened from their slumber in the very near future.

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