Peter Cresswell
Not PC

There’s a meme going around attacking the PM because she’s a #PartTimePM.

Not building state houses. Not building government roads. Not passing new laws. Not delivering.

As if the memesters want what she’d be delivering!


Because when she has “done” something that’s been attacked too: anti-gun lawsanti-landlord laws, anti-property deals. Attacked with the same meme: #PartTimePM

These people are idiots.

I would have thought that if you were opposed to everything a Prime Minister says, does and aims to do, then the very best Prime Minister you could hope for is one who sits on her hands. Better there than in your pockets. Don’t they understand that the more time she’s in magazines, the less time she’s implementing schemes to do you over?

Yet the less she does, the more they complain!

Dumb. Blind. Idiotic.

To paraphrase Bertrand Russell:

I want to say, in all seriousness, that a great deal of harm is being done in the modern world by the belief in the virtuousness of politicians working hard, and that the road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organised diminution of their work.

Don’t call for her to work more: Celebrate her staying home.

Don’t use #PartTimePM like a curse word. Start insisting on it as a firm policy.

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