Auckland Council, and more importantly the mayor, just don’t seem to care about what ratepayers want. They’ve embarked on another expensive virtue signalling exercise and decided parks and council buildings across Auckland will be rebranded with Maori and English names:

Parks and council buildings across Auckland will be rebranded with Maori and English names to tell a picture of Tamaki Makaurau’s colonised past and its vibrant future.

Fourteen local boards are supporting the 2020 Te Kete Rukuruku initiative, which will showcase the Maori history and stories of Tamaki Makaurau. One aspect is to add names significant to Maori, to local parks and community places, including libraries and community centres.

In South Auckland, 19 parks and the Papatoetoe War Memorial Library and Papatoetoe Town Hall will eventually have dual names and signage.

Otara-Papatoetoe chair Apulu Reece Autagavaia says his board has worked with Ngati Te Ata Waiohua, Ngati Tamaoho and Te Akitai Waiohua and it was about doing the right thing and not a major cost.

“The feedback we have had so far has been positive,” Autagavaia said.

NZ Herald

Positive feedback? Really? No one voted for this bullshit and we are sick of it.

I would have thought the council should have been focused on fixing the water system, especially after flooding a year ago, fixing the region’s roads by filling in potholes and removing stupid elevated pedestrian crossings and generally looking for ways to reduce rates.

But Noooo…renaming parks and buildings is far more important.

When Wayne Brown gets booted from office and he asks why, we will be able to point to this.

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