‘Pinkwashing’, like ‘greenwashing’, usually refers to the sort of corporations who plaster their communications with rainbows during Pride Month, or Year, or whatever is the current tenure, when we’re supposed to pretend that obese middle-aged men in sequined g-strings dry-humping each other in the street in front of children is totally normal.

But in the case of Israel, the term has extra layers of meaning, few of them good. As is the way with the left, it’s just another way to bash the Jewish state, while pandering to the most violently intolerant people imaginable.

The fact that Israel is the only place in the Middle East where the rainbow lot can get up to their backdoor shenanigans safely, let alone legally, is hand-waved away by the Western left. Of course it has nothing to do with Israel actually being a bastion of liberal democracy in a violently intolerant region. Hell, no, it has to be because ‘The Joos’ are up their usual nefarious tricks.

In the minds of Israel’s critics, there is nothing that the Jewish state won’t do to distract the world’s attention from the situation with the Palestinians […]

the pinkwashing claim evokes historical antisemitic libels, specifically that anything Jews do that is good or beneficial must be a part of some nefarious ulterior motive.

The truth, though, is that it’s the Western left who are doing the real ‘pinkwashing’: attacking Israel in order to deflect from the brutal homophobia that’s endemic in Palestinian and Arab society.

Rabble writer Yara Jamal and the founder of “Free Palestine Halifax,” Katerina Nikas, argue that pinkwashing “paints Palestinians as backward, racist and barbaric in order to justify the oppression and unequal treatment of Palestinians both straight and queer.”

“Queers for Palestine” might want to put their money where their gaping arseholes are and try being queer in Palestine. They’d quickly find themselves very-much-not-enjoying a motorcycle ride which doesn’t have a leatherman in sight. The only high they’ll get won’t be from their usual cocktail of Viagra and amyls: instead, it’ll be how high the building is that they’re summarily thrown from.

The article continues:

Israel promotes its capital, Tel Aviv, as a gay friendly destination in the Middle East, while at the same time failing to mention that the city is built on top of several villages where Palestinians were expelled from their homes and are banned from entering the capital.

Palestinians queers are also denied asylum in Israel while trying to escape discrimination in their own communities.

Discrimination in their own communities. Let that sink in.

In October 2022, a 25-year-old Palestinian gay man, Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, was killed in the West Bank after unsuccessfully seeking asylum in Israel two years prior to his murder.

So, it’s Joo-ish propaganda that Palestinians are backward and barbaric. Just ignore that Queers in Palestine have two choices: flee or die.

First, Tel Aviv is not the capital of Israel – Jerusalem is and always has been.

Second, the assertion that Tel Aviv was built atop several Palestinian villages (and how this even relates to pinkwashing) is risible. The city was originally founded on April 11, 1909, and was known as Ahuzat Bayit before its name was changed (a picture of the 60 families standing in the desert land that became the neighborhood can be seen here).

The Algemeiner

This is the left we’re dealing with, though. Such footling things as ‘facts’ and ‘history’ are just so much hate speech, as far as they’re concerned.

Facts, such as that the aforementioned Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh had, in fact, lived perfectly safely in Israel for two years. When, for unknown reasons, he chose to travel back to Hebron, he was attacked and beheaded by a totally-not-backward-and-barbaric Palestinian.

But I’m sure it was all The Joos’ fault.

Everything always is. Especially that the left’s beloved Palestinians give every impression of being very much backward, racist, violently homophobic barbarians.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...