The latest gaslighting MP is Ingrid Leary, who has told us with a straight face that she mistakenly thought a Mongrel Mob meeting was actually an Electoral Commission meeting. Yes, she really expects us to buy that story:

Taieri MP Ingrid Leary went to a Mongrel Mob election hui in Dunedin at the weekend but says she thought it was an Electoral Commission meeting and she “in no way” condones the actions of the Mongrel Mob.

With law and order a highly visible issue leading up to the election, the National Party is attacking her attendance, saying it shows the pay-off from Labour’s funding of a Mongrel Mob-associated rehabilitation programme.

“The fact the Mongrel Mob wants to keep National out of government is the best possible endorsement of our approach to law and order,” National’s police spokesman Mark Mitchell said in a statement.

Long-time Mongrel Mob member Harry Tam wrote about his election hui in Dunedin on his Facebook page, saying that Leary – who he didn’t name – gatecrashed even though she was “a bit hesitant to be associated with me”.

“She said my name comes up in Parliament a bit so they’re [sic] a bit hesitant to be associated with me. I told them I got news for them. They will be more concerned when they realise that we are targetting the marginal seats and mobilising our people to get off the Maori roll and go onto the general roll so we can vote in those marginal seat. So best dont worry about me now just worry about me if we get you in because you will know that we can get you out too.”

NZ Herald

Of course, she made up a story, because even dolts like Ingrid Leary realise what the bad optics of hanging about with mobsters do for their prospects.

People are already highly suspicious of Labour’s links with gangs and in particular the Mongrel Mob. Leary’s visit just reinforces that.

Leary confirmed that she had been to the meeting but didn’t realise it was a Mongrel Mob hui.

“I thought it was an Electoral Commission meeting encouraging enrolment. I do a lot of work to encourage enrolment with all my communities. My attendance in no way condones the actions of the Mongrel Mob and I’m proud of the work Labour is doing to tackle gang crime,” Leary told the Herald.

NZ Herald

Nice story dear, but no one, not even the most dense and blinkered Labour sycophant actually believes you.

As far as stories go this one is right up there with Father Ted’s excuse for absconding with fund raising funds to go to Lourdes.

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