Every time you might think we’d reached a peak of creepy “trans” madness, some hulking brute in a dress comes along to smash that delusion harder than a six-foot, 100 kilo cock-in-a-frock pile driving a teenage girl into the dirt.

Quite literally.

Six first-class counties are demanding urgent answers from the England and Wales Cricket Board as to why a middle-aged player who transitioned from a man to a woman is being allowed to compete against girls as young as 12.

Why he’s allowed to is a good question. Why he wants to seems appallingly self-evident.

There is also deep unease about the situation of a biological male identifying as female sharing toilet facilities at cricket clubhouses with teenage girls. “If I have a 13-year-old girl who needs to change because she has just started her period, she could well be sharing a confined space with a man who, under ECB policy, has decided they are now female,” a source said. “I have real concerns about that.”

Shut up, bigot. If a middle-age man wants to hang around the girls’ change rooms, it’s rampant transphobia to even question it.

In case you haven’t learned the lesson yet, girls just have to take a few balls (metaphorically or otherwise) rather than hurt the feelings of misogynist autogynephiles.

It is understood that the player has previously caused injuries, although inadvertently, including one to an umpire and another to an opponent at county trials who was left unable to play for months.

“Inadvertently”. Sure, because a full-grown adult male hurling a lump of wood and leather at a teenage girl doesn’t mean to hurt them.

Some parents, disturbed at the significant inequalities of power between young girls and an adult who was born male, have threatened to remove their daughters from their league in response. One characterised the situation as “unacceptable, uncomfortable and dangerous”.

A mother of one girl in an Under-13 county squad acknowledged she had genuine worries about her daughter’s safety, arguing it was “inappropriate” for an adult with the physiological benefits of male puberty to be included in the same league. Another parent of a 12-year-old girl described fears that she and her team-mates would “give up on cricket, because they become so frightened about having to face bowling and fielding of that strength and force.”


Only when girls are rigorously excluded from yet another sphere of public life will the “progressive” agenda be complete. In case you haven’t learned yet, girls, the future belongs to men in dresses.

Now, lie back and think of Judith Butler.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...