OpenAI has trained a model called ChatGPT to interact in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

We’ve compiled a series of requests for ChatGPT and will publish them over the next few weeks. Feel free to pop suggested tasks into the comments section. Enjoy!

We asked if ChatGPT could:

Write an essay about absolute power corrupting absolutely and relate that to the parliamentary majority Jacinda Ardern has had since 2020 and how that has changed her from kind to condescending, resulting in the loss of support from the voters.

And it came up with:

Absolute power has long been known to corrupt absolutely, and this adage can be seen in the case of Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Since gaining a parliamentary majority in 2020, Ardern has undergone a transformation from a kind and empathetic leader to one who is perceived as condescending and out of touch with the needs of her constituents.

One of the main reasons for this shift in Ardern’s leadership style is the fact that she has had a strong majority in Parliament, which has given her the ability to pass legislation without significant opposition. This has led to a sense of entitlement and a lack of accountability, as Ardern and her party have been able to push through policies without having to consider the perspectives of other parties or the general public.

In the early days of her leadership, Ardern was praised for her compassion and her ability to connect with the everyday concerns of ordinary people. She was seen as a refreshing change from the traditional politicians who often seemed out of touch with the realities of life for most people. However, as her power and influence have grown, Ardern has become more distant and aloof, and her policies have come under criticism for not addressing the needs of certain groups or communities.

One example of this is the way in which Ardern has handled the housing crisis in New Zealand. Despite promises to address the issue, the government has been slow to implement meaningful reforms, and many people have become frustrated with the lack of progress. This has led to a loss of support for Ardern and her party, as voters feel that she is no longer the leader they thought she was.

In conclusion, the adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely can be seen in the case of Jacinda Ardern. Despite starting out as a kind and empathetic leader, her strong majority in Parliament has led to a shift in her leadership style, causing her to become more distant and aloof. This, combined with a lack of progress on key issues such as the housing crisis, has resulted in a loss of support from the voters.

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