Colin Parkinson

Dear Simeon

I have tried many times to get you to speak up about the mRNA”vaccines” and mandates, yet you were mostly silent.

“Unvaccinated” staff are still unable to return to work in our public hospitals in the midst of a “global pandemic” and now we have a shortage of workers in our hospitals, yet instead of applying pressure on the Government to give these workers their jobs back, the National Party called on the Government to import more workers from overseas. To be fair, I understand that Dr Reti on at least one occasion has called for “unvaccinated” workers to be allowed back to work, but this does not seem to be an area of priority for the National Party.

A woman died while politicians sat and played games with our lives, denying the “unvaccinated” doctors and nurses the right to work in hospitals, yet you continued to remain silent.
And now that a baby has been taken from his mother by the state, will you still keep silent?
The risks around the possibility of the child being given mRNA-tainted blood are at best unknown, although there are signs that we should exercise caution in this area.

I should state that I am personally opposed to blood transfusions in general and would hope that I would have the right to decide what treatments I refuse. A parent should also have the right to refuse medical treatment for their children if they deem it to be in the child’s best interest.

We must remember that people are not the property of the state.

We must be free to make our own choices around medical treatment and we must also accept the consequences of our own choices. If this goes unchecked, what will be next? What a dangerous precedent that the government could take a child to force a medical treatment upon them.

I ask you to speak up now for this child while you are still free to speak. How long will it be before you act? Will you wait until one day you find yourself in such a situation when the government turns on you and your family also? Will that day be too late? Perhaps you are in parliament for such a day as this. See: Esther 4:14

We should learn to do good, seek justice, rebuke the oppressor, plead the case of the widow and the orphan. See: Isaiah 1:17

Where is our nation heading and what has become of our leaders? Are we heading down the path that God once warned His people about?

How the faithful city has become a whore, justice and righteousness once dwelt in her, now murderers. Your silver has become dross, your wine watered down.
Your leaders are rebellious companions of thieves, they all love bribes and chase after them. They do not defend the orphan nor do they regard the case of the widow.

Isaiah 1:21-23

Will you be a man of God and stand up for this child?
Or will you go along with the leaders who oppress the weak and vulnerable?

What a sad day when justice is turned away and truth stumbles in the public square, will God be pleased if He finds no justice? See: Isaiah 59

While I encourage you to act for this family, I know that our hope is not in politicians, that there is a greater King, the Lord Jesus Christ who will bring justice when He returns.

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