If anyone was still fooled, COP 27, the “Shakedown at Sharma”, should have left no doubt whatsoever. The “climate change” is nothing whatsoever to do with the environment or “saving the planet”. It’s only ever been about the money.

In the 50s and 60s, it was “development aid”, as the Third World weaponised the Cold War to screw as much cash out of the warring First and Second Worlds (the capitalist West and the communist East) as they could lay their hands on.

In the 90s and 2000s, as the bills came due, they held out their hands again, begging for “debt forgiveness”. Duly, the debts were forgiven and trillions of dollars of taxpayer’s money was just washed off the books.

But, give a man a fish… the mendicants are back for a third try. This time, they’re shaking us down for more gibsmedat than most of us could even comprehend.

Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of government handouts […]

Let’s be real. None of this is about changing the temperature of the Earth. Even the most naive environmental activist can’t really believe that building windmills and driving Teslas is going to cool the planet.

At COP 27, they’re not even bothering to hide the shakedown.

The only agreement that the delegates could reach was a hollow “commitment” from the rich Western nations — by that they mean the United States — to give “reparation” money to the poor nations of the world.

Ah, “reparations”. There’s nothing your modern grifter loves more than some “reparayshuns”. It’s a global Cargo Cult on steroids.

If you’ve never heard of this loony concept before, the theory is that America owes the rest of the world money for burning fossil fuels over the last hundred or so years.

Huh? These were the fossil fuels that provided America with the energy to save humanity from fascism and communism during World War I, World War II and the Cold War. These energy sources are what have powered the industrial age, bringing light, heat and air conditioning. And they have powered our infrastructure, factories, an abundant food supply and a technology revolution. Add to that our drugs and vaccines, which have saved many hundreds of millions of lives globally.

It was the fossil fuel energy revolution of the last century that supplied America with the wealth and financial resources to provide some half a trillion dollars of disaster and foreign aid to seemingly every area of the rest of the world. And now, President Joe Biden’s dunces are agreeing with foreigners that we owe them money?

Not just Biden’s dunces. Australia and New Zealand’s own dim bulbs are clamouring to hand over as much of their citizens’ hard-earned as they can. Anthony Albanese only took time out from snapping selfies to sign Australia up to a $2 trillion “climate compensation fund”. Jacinda Ardern, always ready to spend other people’s money, blithers that Australia “owes” the Pacific.

For what, exactly? For expending 50,000 Australian lives, alongside over 100,000 Americans and around 10,000 New Zealanders, to save Pacific islands becoming the slave markets of the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere? For endlessly pouring “development” money into yawning pockets of tinpot panjandrums ever since?

America should be getting reparation payments. Not the other way around.

There were some notable absences from Shakedown 27, though. China and India, for instance.

These are by far the two largest polluting nations, and they want no part of this global handshake “agreement.” This would be like celebrating that we have reached a peace agreement during World War II, except the bad news is that Germany and Japan aren’t on board.


China has belched out more carbon dioxide in just the past decade than Britain has since the Industrial Revolution. More than Australia and New Zealand combined ever have or will. India isn’t far behind.

A few trillion Yuan and Rupees would go down nicely, thanks.

Or maybe not: that’d barely cover a KFC family bucket.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...