Ever since the formation of the super city, Labour has had a stranglehold on Auckland’s mayoralty and council. The best way to break Labour’s stranglehold on Auckland is to start by voting for Wayne Brown who is the only viable candidate for mayor to defeat Labour’s flunky Efeso Collins.

A second important poll has been released, just following the Labour party’s releasing their own polling that showed Collins leading Brown. The Curia poll last week showed Brown narrowly in the lead, with a substantial vote for failed candidate Viv Beck essentially holding the balance of power.

Now Q+A/Kantar (old Colmar Brunton) has released a poll showing a big jump in support for Wayne Brown:

Businessman Wayne Brown has leap-frogged Labour-endorsed Efeso Collins to take a handy lead in the Auckland mayoral race, according to a Q and A Kantar poll this morning.

It is the second poll in five days that puts Brown in front after a Ratepayers’ Alliance-Curia poll on Wednesday gave him a narrow two-point lead over the Manukau councillor.

The current affairs television show conducted two polls for the Super City contest – one before mayoral candidate Viv Beck pulled out of the race and one after.

In the poll before Beck called it a day on September 16, Collins was ahead in the race with a four-point lead over Brown, but the tables were turned in the second poll with Brown taking a six-point lead.

The poll of 1000 Aucklanders had Collins on 29 per cent and Brown on 24 per cent in the first poll, and the second poll showed support surging for Brown to 35 per cent, while Collins’ support remained static on 29 per cent.

Over the two polls, support for Beck, whose name remains on voting papers, fell six points from 14 per cent to eight per cent. Craig Lord fell from 10 per cent to eight per cent over the two polls.

NZ Herald

I said a week ago that if Wayne Brown loses he can blame Viv Beck and her amateur and cack-handed campaign. It seems the voters are smarter than she is and have realised that Brown is a better bet.

If these numbers hold up for the last few days of campaigning, then Labour’s stranglehold on the mayoralty will have been broken.

Let’s hope that the council seat numbers fall the same way and give a majority to the centre-right.

I’m hoping that the residents of North Shore wake up to their Labour lickspittle candidates pretending to be true blue and finally give them the arse card.

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