JM White



Do you remember the heady freedom we had before Jacinda Ardern became Prime Minister? The days when the police only used force on criminals, not people who weren’t wearing masks? When babies smiled at you and you smiled back? Do you remember when the children behind their masks gave up trying to see what was behind yours? Have you noticed a level of coldness in society that wasn’t there before Jacinda Ardern became Prime Minister?

Do you remember when the extent of public health was street sanitation and water treatment – not mandatory vaccination? I wouldn’t trust the dangerous people currently in control of our health to tie a shoe lace properly let alone fluoridate drinking water or give me an experimental injection. Drinking water isn’t a public health function; it’s work for real engineers, not sociology degree holders. As for vaccinations – we believed they knew what they were doing until we found out they didn’t.

I can understand people being frightened out of their wits by being continually reminded about dying from a variety of diseases and accidents which didn’t exist before we became smothered by MSM propaganda and the proliferation of ‘experts’. Fear Porn Inc is written by Karens with a Journalism Certificate in Gaslighting and they are on the job twenty-four hours a day seven days a week scratching away at our consciousness. Still.

What I can’t understand is why people listen to them. The cure is so easy. Just switch your television and radio off and don’t read any mainstream publications. You will be amazed at how quickly death, doom and destruction disappear. You may also be surprised to find you are one of those who is now addicted to being frightened, and how you long for more of it. If that is you, it’s called masochism. You are sick.

If you are still wearing a mask, you are sick.

If you are lining up for your fourth Covid shot, have had a ‘flu shot and are wondering about one for monkeypox, you are sick.

But – if you are one of the healthy survivors of the prolonged and intense Government propaganda spread like muck in your mind by those who consider themselves your betters, and if you wish to compound your new freedom to live as you choose in the future, be very, very careful who you vote for in 2023. Remember, the money fountain can be as easily switched off as it was switched on and the same can be done for an epidemic.

If they promise not to do it again and offer you lots of money to vote for them, please, I beg you, don’t believe them. 

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