If you want to know who benefits from relentless climate alarmism, look who’s pushing it, and who’s paying for it.

If you want to understand how batshit insane climate alarmism is, just remember that burning coal is bad for the climate, but burning wood is good.

Some of us have always known that climate hysteria causes malfunctions in the brain. (The precise medical term is ‘Subject Specific Stupidity Syndrome’.)

We can all see who’s pushing climate alarmism: Princes, billionaires, celebrities, and other global elites who fly their fleets of private jets from one luxury resort to another, to stand up in front of the camera and wag their fingers at the rest of us.

Even their useful-idiot footsoldiers are all drawn from the upper socio-economic quintiles. From the “schools strikers” in their immaculate private school blazers, led by the pampered offspring of two Swedish millionaires, to the poncy Oxbridge hypenated-surnames glueing themselves to roads.

Even the push for electric cars — which cost more than a BMW — and rooftop solar panels is heavily weighted to the wealthy, over-60s. Rich Boomers, in a word.

Who pays? Working people, whose taxes subsidise the EVs and solar panels, and are poured by the trillion into “renewable” projects. Dirt-poor, Third World children are slaving (often literally) in environmentally toxic mines to produce the raw materials for the batteries, panels and turbines.

How batshit insane is climate alarmism?

Here are a couple of examples confirming this, both from just one week in July.

What stands out in the first example is that any reasonable, well informed person would know that burning biomass does not reduce the emissions that alarmists are trying to reduce. It is counterproductive to their own objectives, however misguided or uninformed those are.

In case you’re unaware, despite it’s green-sounding name, “biomass” is just fancy-talk for “burning wood”. That’s it.

Yes, the same people who shriek in horror that coal is killing the planet, and chain themselves to trees to stop logging for useful things like timber, are perfectly happy to log entire forests, just to burn them to heat water and make electricity.

Oh, and the emissions?

Three scientists, Denis Couvet, Wolfgang Cramer and Timothy D. Searchinger, warn about the European Union’s climate policy, which intends to devote one-fifth of cultivated land to bioenergy and to increase wood imports.

‘Burning biomass releases more carbon (they mean carbon dioxide) than burning fossil fuels…’

These people are mental.

Clearly a sane, level-headed citizen. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The obsessive but unscientific demonisation of fossil fuel emissions is a stupidity that does great harm. That, too, is well known, even by the World Health Organisation.

On the same day that Le Monde reported how biomass was not the answer alarmists were looking for, Nature published a piece that shows the serious threat to life caused by the burning of biomass instead of really clean fuel, among the poor in India.

Spectator Australia
Tell me this isn’t a cult. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Climate alarmists are not just lunatics — look at the silly outfits they regularly ponce around in, if you don’t believe me — they’re selfish, bourgeois exploiters of the world’s poorest people, mostly women and children.

To grow the “biomass” to run their “renewable” power generation, large tracts of land that could be producing food are turned over to growing plant stuffs, just to burn. Often in poor, developing countries. Either that, or logging forests in Canada, to burn in Germany.

Denying fossil-fuel generated power to developing countries means that women are forced to continue cooking over open fires or on kerosene stoves, with exponentially higher risk of serious burns. That’s on top of the well-known effects on respiratory health of such methods of cooking.

But, hey, at least Karen in Grey Lynn gets to drive her EV to her public service job.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...