Colin Parkinson



I read the following disturbing article on The BFD last week.

In the article, Stuart Smith wrote that “our country’s laws on abortion will remain as they are” adding “National leader Christopher Luxon has already said numerous times that the next National Government will not change, or seek to change, the abortion laws.”

Stuart said that he personally believes that a woman should have the right to decide what is done to her own body. I think we all (including Mr Smith) know that the baby is actually a separate human being and not part of the mother’s body — although perhaps a biology lesson is in order?

Well, at least he seems to be acknowledging (perhaps unintentionally) that only a woman can be pregnant — just wait for the hysterical screaming from the Labour Party and Greens on that one.

If you really want to let women (and I would suggest also men) have the right to do what they want with their own bodies, then get rid of the “vaccine mandates”. Let our nurses (and others who have been mandated out of their jobs) get back to work, open the border to the “unvaccinated” and let us choose whether or not to wear a mask that was never designed to filter out a virus when we go shopping.

But let’s try to focus on the issue at hand. Stuart Smith went on to say: “The matter is settled, and all the MPs in the National Party are of this view — that there is no need to go back and relitigate a matter like this.”

So, all National MPs agree on this, do they?

Simon O’Connor and Simeon Brown — I have already emailed you about this. Will either of you be brave enough to stand up for the unborn children now?

Stuart continues claiming that “Parliament and government have more important things to focus on” — listing the following issues:

  • Average mortgage repayment up by over $400 per week.
  • Rents are up by $150 per week.
  • Cost of everyday grocery items is becoming unaffordable for many.
  • Wages aren’t keeping up.
  • Healthcare system is falling over.
  • Violent crime in the news daily.
  • Labour shortage.

Well… welcome to socialism everybody! If you think we have problems now, just wait until you see what comes next. Perhaps ask someone in Sri Lanka to give you a hint. Is it really any surprise that we have reached this point? Solzhenitsyn did try to warn us and I have made the following point before:

“Men have forgotten God, that’s why all these terrible things have happened.”

As a country we have voted for a government that supports killing the unborn, killing the elderly and trying to force dangerous experimental injections upon the rest of us, calling it all “healthcare”. The main opposition does not seem to be any better.

As a nation, this is who we have voted in and now this is what we have. If you don’t like it, then do not vote these people back in.

What did we expect as a result? Christopher Luxon has to go. He does not represent the values we should expect from a leader. If any National MP supports him and his death policies, then we should not be voting for them.

Again, Simon O’Connor and Simeon Brown, I would expect the two of you to be leading on these moral issues. Take a stand or lose votes! Take note of what happened in the UK with Boris Johnson.

Stuart Smith said that changing laws would not serve New Zealanders right now and that National wants to “Focus on what matters”. I guess what he means is that this does not include our children or our future generations? Just focus on ourselves, get a few votes? Stuff the children?

No wonder this country is in such a mess!

I saw someone mention something similar to the following, which appears to be government policy these days:

Step one: Overlook evil

Step two: Permit evil

Step three: Legalise evil

Step four: Promote evil

Step five: Celebrate evil

Step six: Persecute those who still call it evil

National seems to be following along down the same path. Perhaps some brave MP might resign in protest over this. Take a hard look at yourselves. What step are you at?

I will NOT support any politician that supports killing the weak and vulnerable, and if you do not oppose this, are you doing any better?

To the voters considering National as an option: Do you support killing babies at ANY stage for ANY reason? If not, email your local National representative with an ultimatum: Repeal this evil law or lose our vote!

There are other leaders who do not promote abortion that would be happy to get our vote. If we allow this to continue what will be next? Infanticide?

To all Christians:
Learn to do good, seek justice and plead for the vulnerable: See Isaiah 1:10-20 ( ) but especially verse 17 (

We need to repent as a nation and stop promoting evil. Perhaps then we might just see the rest fall into place.

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