Audrey Young provides a dose of reality for Winston Peters and NZ First in the wake of the strange poll from 1 News on Monday night. The broadcast showed Maiki Sherman wetting her knickers at the prospect of a left-leaning government, but the reality of the situation is that the election is more than two years away. But, that doesn’t mean Audrey Young is wrong:

The 1News Verian poll shows that after 150 days, there is more support for the Opposition than the Government.

The person with most to complain about is Foreign Minister Winston Peters. He has trotted over half the globe meeting prime ministers, presidents and dignitaries in service to the national interest, delivered a speech at Gallipoli that Abe Lincoln would have been – indeed was – proud of, and for what? A fall in the polls that would see New Zealand First out of Parliament again if translated to votes. It will only reinforce to Peters’ party advisers that there are no votes in statesmanship. The way to be remembered is not through lofty speeches but by low-level street fighting and attacking the media, wokeness, the Treaty, and media wokeness over the Treaty.

That said, diplomacy goes on and Peters has a highly anticipated speech tomorrow night in which he is expected to set out New Zealand’s position on Aukus Pillar II.

NZ Herald

She’s dead right and I would have thought Winston Peters would have learned this lesson from the last few times he has been Foreign Minister.

Winston needs to get back to walloping the woke, the media, bludgers and ratbag Maori separatists. There is much profit there for NZ First and Winston Peters, especially if Christopher Luxon gets all pissy at what Winston or Shane Jones have to say.

It matters too because the media pick apart the lofty speeches anyway. Winston always profits when he smashes the woke media.

Perhaps he should dust off his Media Utu policy and force Luxon to roll that out and starve the woke media of government funding. That should see the woke media launch scurrilous and vituperative attacks and keep Winston in the media for weeks on end.

Worth a shot.

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