Is America undergoing a purge?

There’s nothing totalitarians love so much as a good, old-fashioned purge. It not only flushes out dissenters (real or imagined), it terrifies the remaining few into absolute compliance. So if you’re a totalitarian leader who’s feeling even the slightest bit insecure, just have a purge!

After all, a dictator must cement their own iron control, even if it catastrophically weakens their country. Who cares, so long as the Boss is unquestionably in charge? Stalin’s purges of the military in the 1930s and 40s left the Soviet Union dangerously weakened in the face of the Nazi threat – but at least no one dared challenge Joe.

Nearly a century later, another dictator named Joe is overseeing a thoroughgoing purge of “counter-revolutionary” dissidents.

Of course, your modern totalitarian isn’t so gauche as to send people to the gulag, let alone the firing squad. Nor to even make the purge an overtly political witch-hunt. But, given the way the Wuhan plague has been so heavily politicised from the get-go, it doesn’t seem too far a reach to see what’s happening in the States right now as a purge.

Not even the once “heroes” of the pandemic are safe.

Thousands of nurses and other health care workers across New York state have lost their jobs or been suspended because they are refusing to comply with the state’s mandate to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Going into effect on Sept. 27, the mandate has led to staffing shortages, although some of the large hospital systems in the state have said they are maintaining continuity of services.

The Epoch Times

Despite two years of shrieking that America’s hospital system faces being “overwhelmed” by the Chinese virus, Joe Biden’s Democrat minions are sacking tens of thousands of healthcare workers. Already, hospitals are suspending elective procedures and closing beds – including in ICUs.

It’s a similar story in other states.

Days after announcing that about 375 healthcare employees would be suspended, a North Carolina-based hospital system confirmed Monday that around 175 workers were fired in one of the largest-ever mass terminations due to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate […]

It comes weeks after Indiana University Health, the biggest hospital system in the state, fired about 125 workers for not complying with its vaccine mandate, the company announced in a news release.

The Epoch Times

Thanks to Biden’s vaccine mandate, along with other sweeping actions by the administration, as things stand in the US at present, there is no meaningful distinction between state and private industry. The CDC’s eviction moratorium effectively means that landlords no longer control their own property.

Biden’s Covid purge is affecting other vital industries in the US. Even as the nation faces shortages of food and fuel due to collapsing supply chains, transport companies are firing hundreds of employees.

United Airlines is set to terminate 593 of its employees who have chosen to not comply with the company’s vaccine mandate, it confirmed to The Epoch Times on Sept. 29.

The company was the first U.S. carrier to mandate vaccines for all domestic employees, having announced its mandate in August. Employees were required to be vaccinated by Sept. 27 or they would be terminated by Oct. 2. Those who refused the vaccine would be terminated outright.

The Epoch Times

In true Stalinist fashion, the purge is thinning the ranks of the military, too.

Navy SEALs have been informed by their superiors that they won’t be deployed if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine, even if they’re granted a religious or medical exemption, according to lawyers representing the elite special operations troops and a document seen by The Epoch Times.

A document presented to the SEALs says that any special operations personnel, including Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, “who refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine based solely on personal or religious beliefs will be disqualified from [special operations] duty.” It was signed by Capt. Liam Hulin […]

While the exact number of SEALs considering not getting a vaccine isn’t known, both Parlatore and a pastor who is advising some of them say it’s in the hundreds. The loss of that many SEALs could devastate the elite force, which has 2,450 active-duty members […]

Shortly after U.S. drug regulators in August approved Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered troops to be vaccinated […] no exemptions were outlined in the order and sailors were told they would face punitive measures if they don’t comply.

The Epoch Times

First came the re-education camps, with the entire US military subjected to political indoctrination in the racist nonsense, Critical Race Theory. Now, the purges are beginning.

Hands up who thinks this is all going to end well?

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...