Why are so many people on the left so incredibly dumb?

They at least exhibit some atavistic indicators of intelligence, although the value of a university degree especially in the disciplines favoured by the left – Communications, for instance – is much less than it used to be. A degree in “Gender Studies” indicates little more than a talent to sponge off one’s parents for three years while acquiring the ability to spout reams of gibberish.

Frankly, a C in old-fashioned Home Economics would be more useful and indicative of actual talent and application than a “Women’s Studies” degree.

But I digress.

What makes the left dumb is the demonstrable lunacy they so fervently act out in public.

Witness the “Queers for Palestine” movement — a small group of homosexuals who have decided to support “Palestine” despite apparently knowing nothing about the history of this conflict, and despite the latter’s appalling human rights record and systematic persecution of homosexuals. Queer indeed.

Could there be anything more brain-dead idiotic than the proudly-flaming List MP Ricardo Menendez March flouncing about in a keffiyeh and parroting the anti-Semitic slogan of Hamas?

Genocide Inciting Tea Towel Wearer of the Day

How mentally challenged must someone be to camp about, proclaiming his support for a regime that would return the favour by throwing him off the nearest multi-storey building?

Lifestyle options for gay people in the Middle East. The BFD.

Regardless of your views on gay marriage, gay adoption and so on, I think we can all agree that Israel’s tolerant, liberal society is a much nicer place to live than the barbaric, oppressive, misogynistic and homophobic cultures that seem to spring up wherever radical Islam takes root, and particularly under Hamas in Gaza. After all, for over ten years, gay Palestinians have been fleeing their own country and settling in Tel Aviv, one of the most gay-friendly cities on the planet.

Israel, after all, at least hosts the embarrassing spectacle that is the “Pride March”. The only march gay people are permitted in Gaza is the march off the parapet of a high-rise tower.

So you might imagine that gay Westerners, with an uncensored press and ready access to information about the torture and execution of homosexuals under administrations like Hamas’s, would be reluctant to support barbaric medieval homophobia. Surely they would feel a natural affinity to the permissive democracy in this conflict.

That would be to colossally underestimate the astonishing ability of the left to believe the most obviously contradictory nonsense.

Like most fashionable but ill-conceived Left-wing causes, the Free Palestine movement feels good and looks good and gets you applause from the right people. But it doesn’t stand up to intellectual or historical scrutiny–especially if you’re a marginalised group, likely to be persecuted under an Islamist regime[…]

I’m happy to stump up for a plane ticket, incidentally, if one of these marchers wants to see for themselves how grateful the Islamist lunatics in Gaza are for the support of a load of preening, smug nancy-boys and their radfem mates. I wonder if any of them would actually be be brave enough to visit the culture they are so insistent on defending. Seriously, ladies. See if you can last twenty-four hours.


Ricardo, old son: there’s a challenge for you. Instead of safely grifting off taxpayers in one of the most tolerant countries in the world, put your arse on the line with the hardcore Islamists whose tea-towel you’re so happy to play dress-ups in.

While you’re at it, take Golriz with you.

Photoshopped image credit The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...