The Spinoff

Ardern’s clanger was refusing to answer honestly about which way she will vote in the cannabis referendum. Clearly she doesn’t want to alienate conservative supporters but implying it was because she didn’t want to influence voters does them a disservice.


Ardern’s refusal to disclose her personal position on the cannabis referendum seems increasingly untenable; a promise that New Zealanders would know how she voted after the result was known looked alarmingly like political cowardice and an unwillingness to back a loser.


That was a bit weird. But then again, so was Ardern’s continued insistence she won’t reveal how she will vote in the cannabis referendum.

It’s an issue that matters to a lot of people on both sides of the debate, the referendum was surfaced on her Government’s watch and people have a right to know how she will vote.


Ardern’s response on trading on New Zealand’s brand as the solution to the country’s growth was weak.

NZ Herald

Irritatingly, Ardern frequently looked at her notes and resorted to too much flannel.

Every time Ardern tried to say something, there Collins was, crushing it.


A personal revelation also from Ardern. When asked about cannabis in the past Ardern has used the euphemistic “I was once a Morman and then I wasn’t” to say she had smoked weed without actually saying it – but last night she just said she had “a long time ago”.

Another nugget was her backing of the Green School funding decision that landed Greens co-leader James Shaw in such hot water. “We supported, we funded it, when you make a decision as a government you have to back that decision”.

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