What an interesting read Simon Wilson provided in the Weekend Herald. The headline was “Good luck, bad management”. The good luck he talked about was different to our understanding of it but the bad management was pretty much spot on. He talked about the border not being as secure as we had been told and that the Government and the Ministry have different ideas from each other and us about what “test everyone” means. Sorry, Simon, I must be a bit thick but I was unaware “test everyone” had more than one meaning.

He then went on to say that when we went back into lockdown we discovered that some members of the “team of five million” wanted to leave the team. What team of five million? Outside the sycophants, like himself, there is no “team of five million”. The team of five million is Ardern’s made up political strategy to make anyone who disagrees with her feel in some way embarrassed or dreadful. The people who buy into this nonsense are her band of dripping wet lightweight travellers including Simon. He criticises Nick Leggett from the Road Transport Forum for trying to make the case that truckies who do the wharf run should be exempt from testing. Why not? Almost everyone else is it appears.

Simon says it was lucky that Covid came to us late because it gave us the luxury of learning from others how the virus operates and what works in dealing with it. Well, BS to that Simon. Our response so far is indicative of a bunch of lame brains who have either learnt nothing or are incapable of comprehending. Both probably. The advantage, says Simon, is ongoing: from genetic analysis to border controls to the value of masks, we continue to learn from the rest of the world. Not this lot Simon.

Simon points out that the best example is the lesson of speed. Just a few weeks, sometimes even days, have been the difference between success and catastrophe. It appears, Simon, we are in a catastrophe as the woman you so blindly and lovingly follow has extended the lockdown yet again. Which brings me to your next point namely, that the great gift this Government gave New Zealand in the pandemic was its insight that a health-focused strategy would also allow the best outcome economically.

looney toons idiot GIF

Where does one even start when it comes to answering that sort of BS. Does anyone at the Herald vet this sort of tripe? Simon, like the rest of the left, has as much understanding of the economy as a snake in the grass. Come out from under your rock Simon! The country, and Auckland in particular, are going to hell in a handcart. This nonsense from your esteemed but not very bright leader is unsustainable. If you can’t see this now you will shortly. It will become all too obvious.

Having no understanding of business and the economic repercussions Simon then criticises National and Act for wanting to balance the books too soon. He says this implies a chainsaw massacre of almost everything the Government spends money on, including COVID-19 crisis funding, accompanied by the wholesale privatisation of services. Firstly Simon, how about a chainsaw massacre of everything the Government WASTES money on and as for the wholesale privatisation of services, what a good idea. A play centre would do a better job than this lot.

Simon criticises David Seymour for promising that Act would continue to play a  “consistent and constructive role” while continuing to say that Aucklanders are “effectively under house arrest”. He bemoans that saying that is not “constructive”. Maybe not Simon, but it’s the truth. He’s also not happy with NZ First because they have obstructed COVID-19 progress including light rail, even though it’s the most- needed new infrastructure project in the city. More BS! A tram up Dominnion Road was a fool’s errand. The sensible solution is a rail link from Puhinui to the airport. Simon also blames NZ First for the Government not being able to announce any progress on the return of foreign students. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Mr Hipkins say on more than one occasion that it was too early to let foreign students back in.

Simon says compassion and caution have been great but let’s add a couple of other “c-words”, competence and command. At this point I’ve had as much BS as I can take!

I’ll sum this whole debacle up in one “c” word for you Simon. CONTROL!!!

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.