Jacinda, your Government is beneath contempt. The lowest of the low. You are nothing more than a gang of bullies. You profess to care. You profess to be kind. You are fake. You are the worst Government of a lifetime. Some of your lot wouldn’t know the truth if it jumped up and gave them a facial. I’m not even sure that some of the things you have done in the last couple of months are even legal.

Well, that’s a start but I could go on. What really got me going was yet another reported example of the opposite of the kindness you bang on about. A man has flown over from Australia to see his dying wife and you have him holed up in isolation. His request to see his wife has been denied. He can’t be with her. Why the bloody hell not? There’s a one in a million chance of getting this sniffle. The way you have treated these people has been outrageous. To put them through torture, which is what it is, is blatant hypocrisy on your part.

The same applies to funerals. There is no good reason why these people have been treated in such a callous and cold-hearted way. It is disgraceful beyond words.

Other examples have been the Cancer Society Medical Director who had to tell a young woman over the phone that she was going to die. A woman was forced to learn she had miscarried alone while her husband sat in the car park also alone.

What about the tragic case of the 18-year-old boy who took his own life and his parents were not allowed to view him at peace. These are the actions of an inhumane government. At no stage did the virus event demand draconian rules such as these. But, boy, it was right up your alley when dictatorial control was in the offing, wasn’t it?

Then there’s the dumping of the documents on a Friday afternoon. A cynical ploy which only succeeded in getting yourself offside with your luvvies in the media. David Parker’s hopeless explanation did absolutely nothing to exonerate the Government from this despicable behaviour. Then you stand up at your sideshow presser and say that next time the documents will be released in the morning as you understand there was some angst. You knew damn well there would be angst. If you’re prepared to upset your intimates in the media one can only assume you don’t care who you upset.

Not content with that, there was the follow up gagging email from one of your senior ministerial advisors advising Ministers not to respond to questions on the documents other than short written answers which would have to be vetted through your office first. It may not have been intended, but what this did was to highlight to all and sundry what a bunch of muppets you are in charge of. The official reason was there was no need to defend because the public has confidence in what has been achieved and what the Government is doing. Pull the other one. It plays The Carnival Is Over.

The next little trick in your abhorrent playbook was to attempt to stop anyone other than Parliamentary journalists from attending the pre-Budget lockup. The virus was the weak excuse for not allowing proper scrutiny of the Budget by those representing communities of interest. Thankfully, the Taxpayers Union kicked up a fuss and put an end to your little tyrannical plan. Do you think we can’t see through your pathetic attempts to emulate the vision of a socialist dictator?

Now we have the COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill which gives Police, among other things, the right to enter a private house without a warrant. That is scandalous. This is legislation to legalise level two rules which only goes to show the illegality of levels three and four. We are fast moving towards a police state.

It might be news to you Jacinda Ardern but this country is actually a democracy. That may well be a foreign word to you and the doctrine you adhere to but it is a very precious word to most of us. Plenty of fine young men left these shores and gave their lives for exactly that – democracy. You, to your everlasting shame, obviously couldn’t give one iota with regard to them.

It is my observation that you have brought Parliament into disrepute. Bills are being rushed through with virtually no time for proper consideration. You have given the country the two-fingered salute and done just what has suited you and your right hand one o’clock circus ringmaster. What we are now seeing is something akin to a dictatorship. It was always a concern that you would use this event to further your repugnant objectives and it pains me to say you have not disappointed. If anything, you have and are continuing to exceed my most feared expectations.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Jacinda, you and your Government have one hell of a lot to answer for. You have vastly overplayed your hand in the quest to impose your political ideology on this country. Your day of judgement is on September 19th. It had better be a normal election in terms of how it is held and not riddled with rules more akin to a socialist autocracy, using COVID-19 yet again as the excuse. I advise you to wake up from your Marxist dreamworld and realise this country will not tolerate your dogma or anything remotely like it.

You may not realise it but the majority of people in this country have you and your Government on notice. My advice to you is to have a massive rethink between now and the election. Believe me, your chances of a second term depend on it

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.