Dr Muriel Newman wrote an excellent article which was published on The BFD on Friday. The content contained in the article should send a chill up the spine of every person in New Zealand who believes in freedom, democracy and the rule of law. Currently, all three are being eroded before our very eyes by a Government hell-bent on using a crisis, largely of their own making domestically, to impose their ideology on this country. A cynic could rightfully claim that the time taken to close the borders, therefore, creating a need to declare alert level four, was done with a view to assisting their end goal.

This level of lockdown extended by a week, not TWO days, has caused untold and unnecessary damage to our economy. As Muriel points out, according to the OECD New Zealand will suffer one of the biggest declines in economic activity in the world – almost 30 per cent. Other reports have shown that New Zealand fares worst amongst developing and emerging economies in terms of the damage done to GDP. This is of no concern, maybe even great delight, to a Government who can seemingly unilaterally go about forcing their doctrine on the population.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

As I said in a previous post, Parliament should have been in session through this crisis. They operate in their own little bubble for most of the year so not much would change. Our system of democracy has been thrown to the four winds so as to give the Prime Minister a free rein to do whatever she wants. Above all, she wants to eliminate the Coronavirus. This wish has nothing to do with benefiting the population but everything to do with personal gain through further world media attention.

A number of academics have questioned the modelling that was used and have said a more in-depth study found the figures in relation to deaths to be mathematically way too high. As has proven to be the case. In terms of implementing the long term strategy though, the numbers quoted in the modelling were a useful adjunct. This again enabled Jacinda to justify a level four lockdown. Once level four was in place and possible horrific death numbers were revealed then this woman was going to be our saviour. We were totally reliant on her to  implement policies that would prevent this calamitous number of deaths. Digging mass graves could be avoided.

At this point, fear had been introduced, which is a necessary tool if you want control of the masses. This has been successful to the extent that a recent Horizon poll showed the majority of the working population don’t wish to return to work. No doubt they don’t want to send their children to school either. Jacinda is indeed encouraging children to stay at home if they possibly can and engage in home learning through the Government delivered home learning packs. Then there’s TVNZ on-air learning programme. Preschool and the youngsters have stories read to them. And guess who’s reading them. Would you be surprised if I told you one reader starts off – Hello, my name is Jacinda!

Now would you also be surprised if the lovely Jacinda had some of her little friends reading too? People like Oscar Kightley, Stacey Morrison, the Topp Twins, Jeremy Wells and the hugely ever-popular Hillary Barry. Hillary might also teach the kids how to make scones for Jacinda and maybe animal biscuits for Neve. A reader of The BFD said she found the Home Learning TV had an environmentalist angle to science and so much te reo in maths and science her children were getting lost and that books chosen reflected a particular agenda/worldview.

It’s all too obvious what’s going on here and it has to stop. We are being taken down a path that is against the wishes of the majority and it must be exposed. The Government and the Prime Minister need to be held to account. This is a disgraceful way of imposing one’s will on the people. It is a brazen attempt at using a crisis in the most despicable way to implement a Marxist agenda. I watched a clip of an interview Jacinda did in 2016 where her comrade speech was referred to. She was asked if her views had changed since then. Her answer was –not really. In other words the agenda is still the same.

So the fear of God has been put into people and the economy has been trashed so we can have the ignominious label of the Venezuela of the South Pacific.  We cannot sit idly by and let this happen.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.