Phil Goff says we must tolerate the local fuel tax and rate hikes for the sake of vital infrastructure. Despite promising to deliver efficiencies and refocus the Super City onto core services at the last election, he’s now trying to tell you it can’t be done.

Phil Goff is wrong. Auckland Council is using the new revenue to fund the day-to-day waste that has ballooned under both Len Brown and Phil Goff.

The latest example we’ve uncovered: the council is hiring drag queens to harass pedestrians during Auckland Fashion Week. The Council has even paid for a flashy video about it.

Goff has serious nerve to claim he’s focused on infrastructure, while his real priorities march down Queen Street in lipstick and heels.

The Ratepayers’ Alliance plans to make this election about reasonable rates and sensible spending. That’s why we’re pressuring council and Mayoral candidates to sign our Ratepayer Protection Pledge. The Pledge commits candidates to keeping any hikes to rates or taxes below 2% per annum – even if it means cutting expenditure on fluffy, feel-good projects like drag queens.

Several candidates have already signed the pledge, but we need to pile on the pressure with advertising highlighting who has – and has not – pledged to protect ratepayers.

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