Here is the replay of The Crunch from this week. Gary Moller explains the results of my hair test and what that means for my health, along with the next steps, and of course, we have the Buddies… listen for an emotional letter to Grant Robertson from Lynnley!


GARY MOLLER: On Hair Testing, Results and Treatment Options

Hair tissue mineral analyst, Gary Moller returns to The Crunch to share the results of Cam’s hair test, what they reveal about his health and the next steps. 

Cam’s Buddies

Cam’s buddies are back and this week it’s all about Grant Robertson. Listen for Lynnleys deeply personal letter to Grant Robertson.


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As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...