In the space of ten days we have seen seven polls, all saying the same thing: that Labour is dead in the water, listing, and still taking on water. Their goose is cooked. We no longer need to wonder whether Labour can reverse their slide in the polls; we can only ask how far they are going to drop. 

The latest poll is the 1News/Verian poll:

NZ First has hit the magical 5% party vote threshold it needs to return to Parliament in the latest 1News Verian poll.

It’s up 1% on the previous poll on August 21, meaning a potential return for Winston Peters after October’s election.

Meanwhile National has continued to pull away from Labour, up 2% to 39% in the new poll, which was conducted between September 9 and 12.

ACT has fallen 3% to 10%.

Labour’s hopes of returning to power continue to slide, with their support dipping 1% to 28%.

The Greens also fell, dropping 2% to 10%.

Labour’s Chris Hipkins and National’s Christopher Luxon are now tied in the preferred prime minister stakes at 23%, with Hipkins lifting 2% and Luxon up 3%.

Translated to seats in Parliament, today’s poll meant National could form a government with ACT – National’s 49 seats and ACT’s 13 seats coming to a total of 62.


Seven polls in ten days all tell the story that the voters have had enough: they want a change of government.

The polls also show that no matter what Labour promises, the voters simply don’t believe them. They’ve failed to deliver on any promises from 2017 and 2020 and consequently, anything they promise now is met with howls of derisive laughter.

Labour’s strategy now should be to shut up shop, stop talking (no one is listening anyway) and hide in the bunker. They’d probably do better by saying nothing at all. Perhaps they should give Ronan Keating a call.

Luxon has finally drawn level with Hipkins in the preferred Prime Minister stakes.

This election is over for Labour. There will be no astonishing comeback, just whinging, whining, lies and disinformation as they go more and more negative.

But it matters not. Voters are simply no longer listening to anything they say.

Seven polls in ten days is a devastating hammer blow. Voters don’t back losers.

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