Alwyn Poole

Alwyn Poole founded and was the head of Mt Hobson Middle School in Auckland for 18 years. MH Academy is now an in-person private school for Years 11–13. There is now a nationwide online provision called Mt Hobson Academy Connected for Years 1–13.

Most adults and many educators still operate in a fixed construct to do with ability, intelligence and “talent”. It has been proven over and over again that they are wrong – and indeed, to hold such a view when you are in a position of influence, can cause great harm through smashing aspiration and risk taking in young people.

This can be through seemingly trite comments:

  • They don’t have a “maths brain”.
  • Reading is just not their thing.
  • They don’t have a musical bone in their body.

In my teaching and at the schools I have founded and lead, the students are banned from saying “I am no good at … (math, reading, music, drama, sport, etc). The only way they can use those five words is if they add “YET”.

With a good explanation behind it – that single word changes the outlook of so many children, their families and also all teachers who buy into it.

I personally – am no good at drumming … YET! But I know that I can be and will practice this afternoon.

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