OpenAI has trained a model called ChatGPT to interact in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

We’ve compiled a series of requests for ChatGPT and will publish them over the next few weeks. Feel free to pop suggested tasks into the comments section. Enjoy!

We asked if ChatGPT could:

Write a song to the tune of Fleetwood Mac’s Little Lies about a well meaning but simple girl called Jacinda who enters politics to solve child poverty, and build affordable homes for the people of her country, but fails to deliver and finally resorts to telling lies to cover up her failures

And it came up with:

Verse 1:
Jacinda had a dream, to make a better life
For all the children in her country, free from strife
She ran for office, with her heart on her sleeve
Determined to bring change, and give the people what they need

Oh Jacinda, little lies
You had the best of intentions, but you couldn’t realize
Your promises, no matter how hard you tried
Now you’re left with nothing, but your little lies

Verse 2:
Jacinda tried so hard, to bring about reform
She worked day and night, to weather every storm
But the road to progress, was harder than she thought
And before she knew it, her plans had come to naught

Oh Jacinda, little lies
You had the best of intentions, but you couldn’t realize
Your promises, no matter how hard you tried
Now you’re left with nothing, but your little lies

The people trusted you, they believed in your cause
But in the end, you couldn’t keep your promises, oh what a loss
You tried to cover up, your mistakes and your flaws
But the truth always finds a way, and your little lies come to a halt

Oh Jacinda, little lies
You had the best of intentions, but you couldn’t realize
Your promises, no matter how hard you tried
Now you’re left with nothing, but your little lies

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