Impeachment ain’t what it used to be. Like most of the great Republic founded by the extraordinary genius of the Founding Fathers, the process of impeachment has been bastardised and demeaned by grubby politics. What was once the ultimate and most extraordinary function allowed to the legislature has degenerated into a cheap, petty political tactic.

It’s as if militaries had taken to lobbing nuclear weapons the instant the enemy so much as coughed in the wrong way.

Even before Donald Trump had been inaugurated, the US left were bellowing “impeachment!” incessantly. The Democrats and Establishment Republican cronies were only too willing to oblige, on the flimsiest pretexts.

So, now that the Republicans are muttering about impeachment, in their turn, is it just more ugly political gamesmanship?

Well, yes… and no.

In a sense all congressional investigations such as have just been opened into Biden Inc are “bad faith”, in that they’re intended to take down their target. But holding political figures accountable is what oppositions are supposed to do.

More importantly, unlike the two Trump investigations, the investigation into the Bidens is at least founded on well-substantiated evidence. The Trump “collusion” narrative was founded on a farrago of lies and hysteria. On the other hand, allegations that Joe Biden not only lied about knowing his son was making dodgy deals with corrupt foreign interests by trading on the family name, but that he was a beneficiary of those business dealings is founded on undeniable evidence.

Not that that stopped the entire edifice of the Swamp and its camp followers in media and Big Tech trying their best to deny it.

When the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, virtually the entire left-wing media complex regurgitated the risible claims of former intelligence officials — including known liars James Clapper and John Brennan — that the entire kerfuffle was just Russian “disinformation.” Sargent dismissed the news as a “fake scandal” and worked to discredit the story.

The Hunter story always had far more journalistic substantiation than the histrionic and fallacious Russia-collusion investigations that Sargent and his paper peddled for five years. Post reporters had interviewed the owner of the Delaware computer shop where Hunter had abandoned his computer. They had Hunter’s signature on a receipt. They had on-the-record sources with intimate knowledge of his interactions. They had Tony Bobulinski, one of two former business partners of Hunter Biden who contend that “the big guy” was Joe […]

Later, emails implicating the president as a participant in Hunter’s schemes were authenticated by forensic specialists. Yet virtually the entire censorious journalistic establishment, with the help of tech giants, limited the story’s exposure to help their preferred candidate win […]

This week, only two years late, CBS News confirmed that the Hunter Biden emails were all genuine — just like everyone knew they were. Now we have authenticated emails showing an executive from Burisma thanking Hunter for facilitating a meeting with the vice president.

So, there’s an unimpeachable (pun intended) foundation of prima facie evidence to support the allegations. Very, very serious allegations. “High crimes and misdemeanors”? Quite possibly. At the very least, Biden lied through his teeth in the Presidential Debates.

There is the issue of the president claiming he knew nothing about Hunter’s leveraging of the family name for influence peddling and never personally “profited off” any of his son’s schemes. What did the president think Hunter was doing when he hitched a ride to secure deals with the Chicoms on Air Force Two in 2013? Does Joe not remember that two Obama administration officials raised concerns about Hunter’s relationship with the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma? When finally asked about his son, Biden claimed the “vast majority of the intelligence people have come out and said there’s no basis at all.”

At worst, Biden knowingly profited from his son’s dealings with hostile foreign entitities (China) and a corrupt country soon to receive tens of billions of US taxpayer-funded largesse (Ukraine), courtesy of Biden himself.

So, the investigation is without a shadow of a doubt legitimate. But is it wise?

As a tactical concern, the House GOP’s decision to open an investigation into Biden family corruption is questionable. It promises limited political return. It would serve Republicans, and the country, far better if the House focused on a hyper-politicized Justice Department that targets the political opposition, labels concerned parents “domestic terrorists” and ignores violence aimed at pregnancy centers, for starters.


There’s little point, after all in cutting off just the biggest head on the hydra if another dozen are going to quietly sprout in its place.

And getting rid of Joe Biden won’t flush the Democrats out of the White House (a delusion anti-Trump Democrats seemed to have shared). All it will mean is President Kamala Harris.

And the swamp monsters will still be lurking in the muddy depths.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...