“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man,” said Aristotle. “Give us your children now, and don’t expect them back,” say America’s public schools. Which may be why growing numbers of Americans are choosing not to hand their kids over to the school system, at all, and are home-schooling instead. And who wouldn’t, if the alternative is dealing with arrogant ideologues like this?

A lawyer for a school board in New Jersey gave his interpretation of the law at a recent board meeting, in which he said parents do not have a right to decide the curriculum schools teach to their children.

At a Lawrence Township Board of Education meeting on October 19, lawyer John Comegno said the right of parents “is not to dictate what their children are taught, it is to determine where they attend”.

How very gracious of him to allow them even that level of choice. I guess mandatory re-education camps wouldn’t be a good look, even for America’s Long Marchers.

But note his word choice: implying that parents are trying to “dictate” the entire curriculum. That’s simply false.

What they’re actually asking is that some obviously bad, even evil, ideas aren’t foisted on their children at school. And especially that schools don’t take it on themselves to inflict “rainbow” conversion therapy on them.

Comegno’s comments were made following parent criticisms of the district’s transgender policy, Policy 5756, which is mandated by state law. The policy was adopted in 2016 and revised three years later.

The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, the district policy states […] the district “shall accept a student’s asserted gender identity” and that “parental consent is not required”.

A student need not meet any threshold diagnosis or treatment requirements to have his or her gender identity recognized and respected by the school district, school or school staff members,” the policy reads. “In addition, a legal or court-ordered name change is not required. There is no affirmative duty for any school district staff member to notify a student’s parent of the student’s gender identity or expression.

(Emphasis added.)

The practical outcome of this, as several cases have already demonstrated, is that school “gender whisperers” stop at nothing to get their ideological hooks into kids. One girl was driven to attempt suicide by teachers and counsellors trying to convince her that she was “trans”.

And remember when they insisted that there was no “gay agenda”?

The New Jersey learning standards state that a board of education “shall include instruction on the political, economic and social contributions of persons with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people”.

Like Virginia’s “Mama Bears”, parents aren’t exactly happy at being put in their place by arrogant public servants.

Nonprofit parent group Parents Defending Education outreach director Erika Sanzi said Comegno’s remarks are “typical” of how “district bureaucrats think, even though they work for a publicly funded entity that is supposed to serve the public”.

“Parents in this district are objecting to content for very young children that an overwhelming majority of parents oppose, and they are met with condescension and disdain,” Sanzi said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “These districts are happy to shame families out of the district while gleefully holding onto the tax dollars they leave behind. The best remedy is to vote in new board members who will listen to families and tell a guy like this to stand down.”

Fox News

And that’s what they’re really terrified of: all the Soros money in the world can’t hold a candle to an angry mum or dad who is awake to what the Long March left are trying to foist on their kids.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...