The Police seem to have developed a systemic proclivity for breaking the law. The latest episode has seen them busted for illegally pretending to be window washers so they can give tickets to people at intersections for using cell phones. And they wonder why we don’t trust them:

Police have conceded a sting operation targeting drivers in Manurewa was out of order

Video footage supplied to Today FM showed an officer disguised as a window washer trying to spot road users on their cellphones or running red lights.

In a statement, police say “the use of plain clothes officers to watch for the offences is a standard operating tactic.”

“We acknowledge the officer dressing to appear as a window washer is not appropriate.”

Today FM

Not just inappropriate, but also illegal.

Police are set to get the power to give windscreen washers at intersections a $150 spot fine.

National and Botany MP Jami-Lee Ross has put forward changes to a Land Transport Amendment Bill which he expects to pass into law before Parliament rises this month for the election campaign.

“In my view, window washing at intersections will be banned in weeks, if not days,” Ross told the Herald.

“Police have a prevention-first approach to policing. They were powerless on this issue, this will give police a tool to move them on from intersections. I don’t imagine police are going to sit on intersections waiting for window washers to come.

“But where they know there are hotspots, they will now have the power to move in and move the window washers on.”

NZ Herald

That law was passed and Police had dished out more than 700 fines:

Police dished out nearly 700 fines to window washers around the country since a new law granted them new powers, figures reveal.

Previously it was up to councils to enforce their own bylaws when members of the public complained. But after Parliament passed a new law last year, police could issue $150 spot fines.

But some Auckland motorists remain unconvinced anything has changed.


One wonders why the Police are using a tactic that is actually illegal. Are they now going to fine the officers involved?

Sending three heavies to threaten the videographer of the illegal Police activity with arrest for obstruction is again significant over-reach from police who shouldn’t have pretended to be window washers in the first place. You can’t be obstructing Police if they are actually committing a crime themselves.

Police have been repeatedly caught breaking the law. The first lockdowns were illegal, and the Police knew it but did it anyway. They illegally used private CCTV cameras after lying about the status of the car that three women were legally using to travel during another lockdown.

During the Parliament protest, we saw Police illegally using fire extinguishers and fire hoses as well as throwing pavers and bricks at protestors. Not to mention the illegal use of pepper spray and baton rounds.

More recently Police illegally sought to prevent Avi Yemini from coming to New Zealand, profiling him and Rukshan Fernando and illegally using Interpol to seek information.

Now there is this. The Police seem to have a problem with following the same laws they are supposed to uphold.

The Police are out of control. Instead of chasing down ram raiders, they are using illegal tactics to conduct sting operations against motorists .

No wonder there is persistent talk of the Police Commissioner getting gassed and replaced with a more traditional Police officer who knows that you need to chase and catch criminals not give them pathetic cuddles.

The Police worry about losing the trust of the public. Is there any wonder, then, when they are constantly caught breaking the law?

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