You have to hand it to this Government, they are nothing if not shameless. National released the findings of the Uffindel Inquiry, only to be attacked by the Government, in the bloviating form of Grant Robertson who criticised the release as being “disrespectful” on the day of the Queen’s funeral. I would have thought discretion was the better part of valour, but no, they went there. Which rather begs the question: When is Labour having their inquiry for the bullying accusations levelled by Gaurav Sharma?

The release of the Sam Uffindell bullying inquiry findings on the same day as Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral is “pretty disrespectful” and “pretty cynical”, Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson says.

Robertson slammed the timing of the release – but National Party leader Chris Luxon earlier said he wanted it made public as soon as possible. He had received the report on Thursday night, and taken the time on Friday to consider it.

Luxon said media had been asking for some time when it would be released.

Robertson also said media would no doubt expect the executive summary of the report into Uffindell would also be released – so far only National has given a press conference and advised what Maria Dew KC had found.

He said assault and bullying allegations needed to be taken seriously.

Robertson said consistency was important for policy issues, referring to National’s position on law and order given Uffindell’s past.

Robertson said when Dew investigated issues within the Labour Party an executive summary was released. He said the same should be expected of National.


I agree with Grant Robertson, that assault and bullying allegations must be taken seriously.

So, when will he be announcing the inquiry into the allegations made by Gaurav Sharma?

When will investigations be launched into assault allegations in at least two ministers’ offices?

When will they announce investigations into another minister over their attitude towards staff/drivers?

In any case, Robertson is being ridiculous regarding timing. The Queen’s funeral is not until later in the night New Zealand time.

But I’m glad he has raised the issue because now we can focus on what Labour is going to do with their own bullying allegations, which Robertson himself has said: “need to be taken seriously”.

Meanwhile, it seems there was no substance to the allegations levelled at Uffindel from when he was at university. If a competent barrister, Maria Dew KC, says they are unsubstantiated then that is exactly what they are.

In a statement today, Luxon summarised Dew’s findings:

* He said the “thorough investigation did not substantiate any allegations of bullying outside Mr Uffindell’s time at King’s College“;

* “Regarding the alleged Otago University flat incident, there are differing accounts of what occurred and Ms Dew concluded the event was not as it was described in the media. Despite this conclusion, it is clear that the complainant’s experience in a deteriorating flat relationship caused her harm”;

* “Aside from his time at King’s College, and interactions with his flatmate at university, no one else came forward who considered themselves a victim of Mr Uffindell’s behaviour”.

“The investigation has found there are differing accounts of an incident that happened 20 years ago in the context of a student flat that was breaking up,” said Luxon. “Mr Uffindell has acknowledged that things were said that he now realises his flatmate overheard, which he regrets.


Predictably the Government’s lickspittles in the media are upset that their hit job has failed, and a prominent KC doesn’t believe a word of what they printed.

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