I remember when the Democrats just loved a good, old stolen election conspiracy. That is when they weren’t busily stealing elections themselves.

No, I’m not talking about 2020. I’m agnostic on that one: there was undoubtedly low-level fraud all over the place, but an actually-stolen election is far from proven (and please don’t gibber about Dinesh D’Souza’s movie in the comments).

I’m talking about, say, the 1960 election where, according to Seymour Hirsh, among others, Sam Giancana’s Mob and Jimmy Hoffa’s Teamsters were called in to help old pal Joe’s little boy carry the crucial state of Illinois.

Or even further back, when the Democrats’ Tammany Hall machine ruled New York politics.

In his memoirs, Groucho Marx recounts their grandfather being picked up by horse and carriage several times each election day, and plied with free cigars, to go and vote illegally for the “outfit”.

But the Democrats get mighty antsy when they think it’s happened to them.

Hey, anybody remember the Diebold voting machine conspiracy theory?

According to serious, prominent, respected Democrats, the Diebold company rigged Ohio’s voting machines in 2004 to flip votes from Kerry to Bush. Without Ohio, Bush would have lost the election […]

The gist of it, to the extent any conspiracy theory can be boiled down to a “gist,” is that the CEO of Diebold, which provided some of Ohio’s voting machines, was a Bush supporter. Also, one of the computer software engineers who tested the software “had given $25,000 to the Republican National Committee in 2000.”

The Diebold conspiracy theory was so idiotic, it was debunked in Salon magazine, of all places. And that’s a publication with articles about anal sex and pollution on Mars.

Yet, 31 House Democrats and one Senator objected to counting Ohio’s votes in the official Electoral College count. Insurrection! Threat to democracy!

This was just one election after Al Gore’s massive election tanty, remember.

But, just like Groucho Marx’s grandpa, Democrats will do anything, anything to get bodies to the polls, early and as often as possible. Because they have to.

Democrats have what are known as “unmotivated voters.” As such, they need battalions of “Get Out the Vote” activists to track down the bored and the lazy. (Yes, the same marginalized people whom liberals claim are having their lifelong dreams of voting dashed by GOP “voter suppression” schemes can’t be bothered to get out of bed on Election Day.)

Over the years, Democrats have lured their voters to the polls with a free ride, a box lunch and walking-around money — even a gurney, if that’s what it takes. Volunteers give the voters detailed, childlike instructions on exactly how to fill out their ballots. Luckily, unionized government workers have plenty of time on their hands to “organize” voters.

Without these sorts of military-style operations, the day after the election, Democrats will find out half their voters overslept and forgot to vote.

Then came Covid. The Dems couldn’t believe their luck.

It provided the perfect excuse to demand even more time for volunteers to round up the uninterested. No-excuse absentee ballots, mail-in ballots, drop boxes, months of early voting — all of it: Advantage Democrats.

What to do? Keep making unconvincing documentaries, and kicking gigantic own goals by behaving like a bunch of yahoos at the Capitol?

No — Republicans just have to grow a pair.

Shut down all mail-in balloting, all early voting, all drop boxes, and pass a federal law requiring ONE DAY, a NATIONAL HOLIDAY, to vote (which is fully within Congress’ constitutional authority).


Maybe the Democrats didn’t steal the 2020 election, maybe they did. If they didn’t, it’s not for want of a golden opportunity.

If 2020 showed anything, it’s that the world’s most important democracy is worse-run than a chook raffle in a cheap knock-shop. “Complete shambles” is putting it politely.

Voter ID, voting in person unless by application (as is done in Australia), and a public holiday or weekend date for elections (as is also done in Australia) is required. There should be a complete ban on voting machines: pen or pencil, or nothing.

Until then, no one ought ever to trust another American election, again.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...