If the last two years have proved anything, it’s that the epithet “conspiracy theory” is almost completely redundant. As the saying goes, they’re not so much conspiracy theories as spoiler alerts.

Covid came from a Wuhan lab? Crackpot conspiracy theory… until it wasn’t. Vaccines don’t prevent Covid transmission? Conspiracy theory! Except… What about then-president Obama and the Clinton campaign spying on Donald Trump? Pure lunacy! Except it was 100 per cent true. The NSA was illegally spying on Americans’ phone calls, texts and emails with help from Big Tech? Paranoid! And true…

So, when Mike Hosking denounces “conspiracy theorists”, you just know how it’s going to play out.

BlackRock, which is a heavyweight investment company, is thought by the crazies to own mainstream media, all pharmaceutical companies and are part of the overarching conspiracy about this new world order.

Anyway, the prime minister went to meet them. The trouble with her going to meet them is, if you follow any sort of news, you knew she went to meet them because it was widely covered.

Well, yes. No one is denying that. What they want to know is why the NZ PM personally played courtier to the biggest capital firm – to the tune of $10 trillion – in the world. Ardern’s Facebook account talked about a trade delegation, but was light on specifics.

But is it really ‘crazy’ to think that BlackRock own mainstream media and pharmaceutical companies?

In a word: no. It’s just a matter of fact.

BlackRock and its principal shareholder Vanguard are the top two owners of WarnerMedia, ComCast, Disney and News Corp. In other words, the lion’s share of American media. BlackRock and Vanguard are also the two largest shareholders of GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer. So, ditto pharmaceutical companies.

But the conspiracy theory in the broadest of senses is there is a one world type project and we are all being manipulated.

Again, not a “conspiracy theory”, but an openly stated fact. The WEF’s Klaus Schwab even went so far as to write an entire book about it, The Great Reset.

This bloke is just a Persian cat away from being a Bond villain.

Ardern is a Schwab protege: a WEF Young Global Leader. Ardern repeatedly parrots the catch-phrases of the WEF’s agenda: “great reset”, “build back better”, for example. Ardern and Grant Robertson both attended the WEF’s “Globalization 4.0 – Shaping a Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” forum.

Maybe there isn’t a globalist dumpster fire smouldering in plain sight – but there’s more than enough smoke getting in our eyes that even the most incurious soul would start kicking over the debris to try and find out what’s going on.

But our Mike is apparently more incurious than most. And without the slightest hint of irony, he loftily proclaims that:

My perception, especially as a result of these past two years, is that there are people who simply won’t be told or taught.


Well, yes, there are: and most of them work for the legacy media.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...