One might wonder why Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky is delaying what he has already conceded: giving in to Russia’s pre-invasion demands. According to the media-political narrative, it’s because he’s the modern Churchill: a brave defender of freedom and democracy. We know that the media-political elite lie about everything else, though, so why believe them on this?

Especially when Zelensky is — just coincidentally, no doubt — using the war as a front to consolidate his own dictatorial power.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a measure that bans 11 opposition political parties, alleging they have ties to Russia, he announced in a Telegram video posted on March 20.

“Any activity of politicians aimed at splitting or collaborating will not succeed,” he said.

Zelensky also said that “wartime exposes quite well the paucity of personal ambitions of those who try to put their own ambitions” or “their own party or career above the interests of the state,” according to a translation.

Sayings about pots and kettles come to mind.

It might be argued that this move is justified by the exigencies of war — a threadbare excuse, at best. Even less convincing, considering Zelensky’s previous record of arresting and jailing opposition politicians.

Zelensky didn’t provide evidence that linked the 11 opposition parties to the Russian government.

The banned parties include the second-biggest party in the Ukrainian parliament, which has openly denounced the Russian invasion. Others cover a range of views, from socialism to libertarianism.

Prior to the war and the about-turn of Western media, the Ukrainian government was consistently decried for turning to the far right, including neo-Nazis, to shore up its grip on power.

Zelensky’s authoritarian streak was also evident in the past when he summarily closed down three television stations that had begun to criticise his policies. Now, he’s going even further.

The president also signed a decree that would combine all national TV channels into one platform, citing the martial law provision.

The Epoch Times

Such is the government that the Western media is clamouring for us to go to war for.

Rightly denouncing Putin’s invasion does not mean that we should be hoodwinked into sacrificing more blood and treasure for yet another tinpot dictatorship. Especially not after we’ve just extricated ourselves after decades of futile war in the Middle East.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...