There’s a good reason the American Founding Fathers instituted the Electoral College — and it’s the same reason the Democrats have been so keen to get rid of it. The Electoral College was established to counter-balance the outsized weight of one or two cities against the rest of the country. As the United States has grown, the far-reaching wisdom of the Founding Fathers has become more obvious: without the College, just three cities would hold the entire country hostage.

Purely coincidentally, those cities are solid-blue Democrat strongholds. At least, for now.

If new polling is any indication, the Democrat citadel of New York may be starting to crumble under the dead hand of the Biden administration.

In a warning shot to President Biden and incumbents up for re-election this fall, coronavirus-fatigued and inflation-impacted voters in Democrat-leaning New York state think the country is going bad, a new survey reveals.

The Siena College Poll released Tuesday found that 57 percent of Empire State voters said the United States was heading in the wrong direction.

Only 31 percent of registered voters said the country was on the right track.

Naturally Republicans are dissatisfied by a wide margin. But even Democrats are losing faith: just 46% think the country is heading in the right direction under Biden, while 44% think it’s going bad.

Perhaps most tellingly, nearly as many independent voters as Republicans are unhappy with Biden’s presidency.

The sour notes cut across all regional, racial and income levels.

More voters than not said America was going bad in Democrat-dominated New York City, 47 percent wrong vs. 41 percent right.

In the suburbs and upstate, about two-thirds said their country was heading in the wrong direction.

All of this is adding up to a potential rout in the midterm elections due in November. Democrats hold both houses of Congress by razor-thin margins of just one and two seats. That on its own is bad news, given that the party of the president almost always loses congressional seats in the midterms.

With Biden’s plummeting approval and a number of Democrats in Congress barely hanging on or plainly postponing long-overdue retirement out of sheer desperation, November is shaping up to be a red tsunami.

Especially when it’s all downhill in the Democrats’ traditional stronghold.

Voters’ views of New York state’s direction weren’t much better in the latest survey — 41 percent said it was on the right track compared to 43 percent who said it was headed in the wrong direction.

New York Post

If the Democrats are losing New York, God help them in “flyover country”.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...