Is Kamala Harris brain-damaged? How else to explain her weird cackle when she’s asked serious questions?

Pathological laughter, inappropriate hilarity, are symptoms common to conditions ranging from brain trauma to strokes or multiple sclerosis. Or perhaps because she’s just an asshole.

Whatever the cause, Harris’ “Kamalols” are one of the least endearing of her many repellent characteristics. Especially when she cackles and hoots in response to serious questions about some of the most consequential policies of the Biden administration.

Democrat Kamala Harris laughed out loud when reporters asked her about the escalating crisis in Afghanistan.

A reporter began questioning Harris about Americans still trapped in terrorist-controlled Afghanistan.

“Hold on, hold on, slow down, everybody,” Harris said as she began laughing.

Of course, Harris was probably laughing at being bombarded by questions the minute she stepped off the plane. Certainly, she tried to put on a Serious Face while trotting out her obviously rote answer, after cutting off the journalist mid-question.

“Uh, I want to talk about two things.”

“First, Afghanistan: we couldn’t have a higher priority right now,” she said.

“And in particular, our priority is making sure that we safely evacuate American citizens, Afghans who worked with us, Afghans at risk including women and children — and that is one of our highest, if not the highest priority right now.”

Still, it was an awkward moment. Especially when she seemed to be trying not to smirk even while she was answering.

Certainly not the best look for a VP who’s been a virtual ghost from the instant the camel poo hit the propellor blades in Kabul.

Since the Taliban toppled the U.S.-backed Afghan government, Harris has remained silent and has been noticeably absent.

Harris disappeared from public view for around eight days since the crisis began, despite claiming she played a key role in the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan[…]

Harris’s laughing came hours after Joe Biden laughed when a reporter asked about his poor performance in a new poll.

He said of the survey: “I haven’t seen that poll.”

But Harris’ inappropriate hilarity has been a running theme since the first Democrat primaries, where she was about as popular as a Chokito bar floating in a public pool.

Harris has a habit of laughing when faced with serious questions.

Prior to Harris visiting the U.S.-Mexico border, which took 93 days after being assigned to the post, she laughed during an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt when pressed about her delay in visiting[…]

Earlier this year, Harris also laughed during her remarks at a childcare center in Connecticut while discussing how the coronavirus pandemic caused “parents to see the value of educators.”

Neon Nettle

Harris was unable to secure a single delegate in the Democratic primaries. Since then, her standing has plummeted even further.

By the time they finally shuffle Joe Biden off to his padded room at the Shady Presidents retirement home, the Democrats may well be wondering whether shoe-horning in a cackling turd sandwich as a token minority running mate was really worth it.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...