It’s not that often we feature a video during the day but this is one that we think deserves a wider airing than our usual evening video slots.

What we have here is a very powerful address that was given by Cool Change NZ co-founder Grace Curtis. Cool Change is a mental health awareness group, born out of the utter despair that followed the suicide of Grace’s father.

The easiest way to find Cool Change is via their Facebook page here but they also have a fledgling website under development.

Grace was fortunate to address the recent National Party conference where she shared some of her story following the tragic death of her Dad. It is not often we get to hear the truth about what the families of suicide victims go through. Grace strongly relates some of her own journey, at times unbelievably personal, at times humorous, but always extremely poignant.

She is a very strong young woman who deserves to be heard, not only by all Kiwis, but importantly by those in government who have the ability to actually formulate and fund mental health policy in New Zealand.

Please take the time to watch the video below. You might need a tissue though.

Cool Change NZ co-founder Grace Curtis address to National Party conference 2021.

If you were moved by what Grace had to say, please feel free to share this post with your friends.

ExPFC, ex lots of things. I'm a passionate user of fossil fuels, a proud flag flying Kiwi, I have trouble suffering fools and the permanently offended. Sometimes I may play the devil's advocate, sometimes...